Loyalty from Covered Bridge not repaid by politicians

This is in response to the News Transcript editorial of Nov. 12, "Where the Real Power Lies." Title initially true, but the truth is stranger than fiction. Election time at Covered Bridge Nov. 4 produced a predictable positive outcome for the Democratic politicians of Manalapan. I am a lifelong Democrat and former trustee at Covered Bridge I.

As for national politics, I and other Democratic activists at Covered Bridge influenced the voting for Congressman Rush Holt, Gov. James. McGreevey, Sen. Frank Lautenberg and Sen. Jon Corzine. Covered Bridge I helped elect singularly the Township Committee members, starting with Stuart Moskovitz, Mary Cozzolino, Drew Shapiro, Rebecca Aaronson, Bill Scherer and Beth Ward, all Democrats.

Covered Bridge, what have these politicians done for us? I think the residents of Manalapan are entitled to know Covered Bridge’s payoff. If anyone is unsure, allow me to remind you.

After Covered Bridge was denied its rightful paid municipal services reimbursements for the five years preceding the election of the fabulous "5" Democrats, Covered Bridge had to sue our elected officials, and I do mean our — we elected them.

Covered Bridgers, it cost Covered Bridge $70,000 for an attorney to initiate legal proceedings against the township. Finally, our elected friends appointed a negotiating committee to deal with all the condos in Manalapan — individually. Negotiating for the township [were] Rebecca Aaronson, Bill Scherer and the township attorney, Norman Kauff.

Mr. Kauff immediately demanded give-backs regarding the services that were legally due Covered Bridge. Where were our elected friends then? Nowhere, other than agreeing with their attorney. What are friends for?

On the Covered Bridge team were the attorney hired by our chief negotiator, and our chief negotiator. Promising to sit by quietly, four Covered Bridge trustees. After listening to the proceeding, the four trustees decided to take control, so as to put a stop to the misguided path our chief negotiator was leading us on.

The Township Committee, our friends, were breaking state law that was on Covered Bridge’s side. Covered Bridge presented its demands, regretfully unknowingly leaving out a very important item. This was put on the table, take it or leave it. If refused, to court, or the attorney general we would go. This is for all of Manalapan to know. All of the condos did finally come to agreements.

Since then, every election, we keep reading and are reminded by the candidates running how that politician returned our MSA (municipal services) rights. What a cruel hoax. Covered Bridgers, wake up and smell the roses. Stop wasting your vote.

The perception by all of Manalapan is that we are on the receiving end of favors by the Township Committee members. Ask yourselves or the politician you just re-elected: "What exactly has he done directly for Covered Bridge?"

There is yet an issue unresolved, one that was decided years ago and never implemented. When will the politicians we helped elect deliver what is rightfully Covered Bridge’s? Shame, shame, they know Covered Bridge will vote for them, but will they?

The News Transcript article amuses many knowledgeable residents of Covered Bridge. In part it reads, "The residents of Covered Bridge — who live by one simple political rule: What have you done for me lately?" The response, with a capital A: Absolutely nothing.

All of Manalapan should know that fact. You made your feelings known on Nov. 4, but Covered Bridge altered the outcome. What fools they be for their efforts; they never receive any favors. Oops, forgot the four wooden benches donated when Ms. Aaronson was mayor.

Score card: Covered Bridge loyalty to the Dems, 85 percent. Dems’ loyalty to CB, 0 percent. Just thought you would like to know.

Sy Smolin

former trustee

Covered Bridge
