Marlboro offering
preschool program
MARLBORO — The Marlboro Township School District offers an integrated preschool program for residents of Marlboro. Morning and afternoon sessions will be held five days a week at the Marlboro Early Learning Center, Tennent and Harbor roads. No tuition is charged.
Parents are responsible for the transportation of the regular preschool students. This program is designed to bring special needs and regular preschoolers together in an integrated environment, according to a press release. Research has shown that all students benefit from this type of program, district administrators said.
Enrollment is open to a limited number of regular preschool students, who will be selected via a lottery process. Initially, 25 children will be selected. These children will be administered a preschool readiness screen in the order of the lottery selection. The first 14 children who qualify will be offered enrollment in the program. The remaining children will be placed on a waiting list. Not all children administered the preschool screen will qualify for the program or for the waiting list.
The lottery drawing for the 2003-04 school year will be held at 1 p.m. May 16 at the Marlboro Early Learning Center. To qualify, a child must be 4 years old by Dec. 31, 2003, but not 5 years old. A birth certificate and proof of residency is required to participate in the lottery.
The preschool readiness screen will be administered to those selected starting on May 19. Parents will be required to bring their child to the Marlboro Early Learning Center for the half-hour assessment during a designated time. Parents will be notified of the results and their child’s status in writing by June 2. Applications for the program are available at the Board of Education building, 1980 Township Drive. For additional information, contact Robert Klein, director of special services, at (732) 972-2036.