to seek new bids for
additional liquor license
Freehold Twp. officials
to seek new bids for
additional liquor license
By linda denicola
Staff Writer
FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP — The $130,500 restoration of the steps and porch area at the front of the municipal building and the construction building, as well as alterations to a garage at the construction department building, should be completed by the end of the month.
The steps at the municipal building were in place for almost 30 years and were starting to sink, said Tom Antus, township administrator.
"Besides restoring the steps, we decided to add a heating element so that people won’t have to deal with ice and snow on the steps," he said.
Last week the Township Committee had to pass a resolution authorizing two change orders for additional funds adding up to $9,731.
One of the changes involves providing additional support to the footings in the garage at the construction department building and the other is to remove the roof and wall associated with the exit door near the Office of Public Assistance.
Antus explained that as part of the work, plans had to be made to increase the size of the garage door because that is where the Freehold First Aid and Emergency Squad stores a vehicle.
"The new vehicles are too big to fit in the old door," Antus said.
As for the exit door near the Office of Public Assistance, it was in the same building and went down to the basement, Antus explained. It was closed because it was dangerous so the roof that had been over the old door had to be removed.
During the discussion portion of the meeting, the committee members agreed to go out to bid on a new liquor license. They will approve a resolution at the March 25 meeting, Antus said.
The committee approved the issuance of one new retail consumption license last year and turned down two applicants for a second license. Now the governing body will once again solicit bids for the second license.
In addition, the committee authorized the sale of surplus video equipment to Freehold Township High School for the sum of $1. Included are four videotape recorders, one tuner, one edit control, three cameras, one viewfinder, two control units, five power adapters, two chargers, one switcher, one auto search control and one event controller.