John P. Wilder, son of Mary and John Wilder of Freehold, has entered basic cadet training at the U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, Colo., to prepare for entrance into his first academic year at the academy. The six-week orientation program, which consists of two phases, trains men and women to meet the rigorous mental and physical challenges of being a cadet. Individuals complete the obstacle, confidence, assault and leadership reaction courses and also participate in a rescue mission called Operation Warrior. During phase two, cadets train outdoors, living in tents while learning to function in field conditions. Wilder is a 2004 graduate of Freehold High School, Freehold Borough.
Joe M. Mercurio, son of Doreen and Joe Mercurio of Freehold Township, has entered the U.S. Air Force Academy Preparatory School in Colorado Springs, Colo., to qualify for appointment to the Air Force Academy. The 10-month program is designed to assist students in meeting the academy’s strict academic and physical requirements. Students receive extensive instruction in English, mathematics, the basic sciences, physical education, athletic conditioning, academic preparation and military training. Cadet candidates who complete prep school and meet other qualifications, such as passing a fitness test and exhibiting strong ethical character, will enter the academy next summer to begin four years of study leading to a bachelor of science degree and a commission of second lieutenant in the U.S. Air Force. Mercurio is a 2004 graduate of Howell High School.