Federation offers teacher training

MANALAPAN — A 15-week program for community members who are interested in becoming Hebrew school teachers in one of Monmouth County’s religious schools is being offered by the Commission on Jewish Education, a committee of the Jewish Federation Greater of Monmouth County.

"Classes will start on Nov. 11 at Temple Shaari Emeth," said Lauren Silver, marketing and communications director for the federation.

The classes will meet once each week for two hours at Temple Shaari Emeth, Craig Road, from 7-9 p.m. on Monday evenings. There will be three off-site meetings during which time participants will be asked to observe classrooms and to teach a lesson with the support of a mentor teacher.

LIMUD is a nondenominational program which prepares people to work with children on the elementary level. An education background is not necessary. Participants need not be members of a synagogue.

Dina Maiben, education director of Temple Shaari Emeth, serves as LIMUD’s chair. The faculty is composed of education directors, guest speakers and rabbis.

The course is designed to teach the basics of teaching methodology and will serve as an introductory course to Jewish religious school curriculum. Each school has its own curriculum. It will be expected that once employed, participants will need to further their studies to tailor their knowledge base to the particular school in which they are employed.

"Last year’s program was attended by 20 students representing 12 different synagogues," Silver said. "Most of the LIMUD graduates are now working in Monmouth County synagogue religious schools."

Successful completion of the program does not guarantee employment, but the names of all graduates will be circulated to participating synagogues. All graduates will receive a certificate of attendance in the program.

For further information call Ann Goldman at (732) 531-6200.