Several schools in Middlesex County were recently awarded Sustainable Jersey for Schools Project Grants funded by the New Jersey Education Association (NJEA.)
At an event held on Dec. 3, the Middlesex County Vocational and Technical Schools in Perth Amboy received a $10,000 grant for installing a school garden in order to instill a life-long passion for plants and respect for the environment.
Recipients of a $2,000 grant include Edgar Middle School in Metuchen for the Student Wellness Organization, Monroe Township High School for Farm to Fork and North Brunswick Township High School for Filling Station Fabulous.
“We know that schools and districts are in the best position to determine the needs for their schools,” said Donna Drewes, who co-directs Sustainable Jersey with Randall Solomon. “These NJEAfunded grants will allow school communities to come together to improve outcomes for students, teachers and the environment. Collaboration is key, and we are proud to have support from important strategic partners like NJEA.”
Proposals were judged by an independent Blue Ribbon Selection Committee.