– Violinist to play free concert at arts centr
The Township of East Brunswick, Department of Recreation and Parks and the Arts Commission will present a free concert by violinist Ruotao Mao 2 p.m. Oct. 25 at the East Brunswick Community Arts Center, 721 Cranbury Road.
Mao’s program will include works by Mozart, Brahms, Debussy, Rachmaninoff and Gershwin.
Admission is free of charge. The public is invited to attend.
For more information, call 732-390-6797 or log on to www.eastbrunswick.org.
– Jazz concert to mark Pearl Music Days
The Parris Island Marine Corps Jazz Combo will present a free concert beginning at 7:30 p.m. Oct. 28 at Temple B’nai Shalom, 15 Fern Road, East Brunswick. The event, which is part of Daniel Pearl World Music Days, is sponsored by the Daniel Pearl Education Center (DPEC), East Brunswick.
The ensemble will perform music from all eras of recorded jazz, including favorites from Miles Davis and John Coltrane as well as original compositions and contemporary jazz.
Daniel Pearl World Music Days was created in response to the 2002 kidnapping and murder of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl at the hands of extremists in Karachi, Pakistan. Pearl was a talented musician who joined musical groups in every community in which he lived. World Music Days aims to use the universal language of music to encourage fellowship across cultures and build a platform of “harmony for humanity.” The DPEC is a nonprofit charitable organization committed to the ideals of understanding and community.
To reserve seats, call 732-251-4300, ext. 232. For more information, email [email protected] or log on to www.danielpearleducationcenter.org.
– Borough breakfast will aid food pantry
Spotswood Mayor Nicholas Poliseno, Borough Council President Curtis Stollen and council members Marge Drozd, Ted Ricci, Leo Servis and Ed Seely will host the seventh annual Spotswood Mayor-Council Community Pancake Breakfast 8-11:30 a.m. Oct. 25 at Veterans of Foreign Wars Post No. 4589, 33 Daniel Road, Spotswood.
The event is designed to bring the community together to eat and raise funds to feed those in need. Proceeds from the breakfast will be donated to Alice’s C.U.P. (Churches United for People) Food Pantry, Spotswood. Five local churches joined together to form the pantry. Volunteers operate a food bank and hold a weekly supper on Wednesday nights.
The fundraising breakfast will include pancakes, eggs, bacon/sausage, bagels, juice, coffee and tea. Tickets cost $8 for adults, $7 for seniors ages 60 and above, $5 for children ages 12 and under.
For more information on the food pantry, call Susan Olsen at 732-841-4047. For more information on the breakfast, call Curtis Stollen at 732-618-4058.
– Early-music concert scheduled at church
United Methodist Church at Milltown will present “I Virtuosi del Seicento,” a concert featuring early-music specialists Mark Johnstone and Timothy Urban, 5 p.m. Oct. 25 at the church, 47 N. Main St.
The program of music by composers of the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries will be performed on various instruments including the krummhorn, recorder, sackbut, theorbo and more.
Admission is free of charge; however, a free-will offering will be accepted. A reception will follow. The concert is the second in a series of fundraising events to finance the installation of the church’s new pipe organ.
For more information, log on to www.umcmilltown.org.
– Anti-addiction panel schedules dog walk
Families Against Addiction will sponsor its Charitable Dog Walk 11:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Oct. 25 at Mannino Park, Old Bridge, behind the YMCA.
The event will feature live music, food and a dog costume contest (participation is optional). The mission is to spread awareness about the services provided by Families Against Addiction.
Cost is $5 per person, with a maximum of $20 per family.
For more information, call 732-991-1022 or email [email protected].
– Tickets on sale for trip to Atlantic City
The Men’s Club of Saints Peter and Paul Russian Orthodox Church will sponsor an Oct. 29 bus trip to Resorts and Casino, Atlantic City.
The bus will depart at 9 a.m. from the church parking lot, Whitehead Avenue, South River. Cost is $30, with a $25 return in slot play from the casino.
For more information or to reserve, call Eddie at 732-254-1200 or Paul at 732-254-6991. Seats are limited.
– Troupe will stage ‘Young Frankenstein’
The Main Street Theatre Company will present its production of “Young Frankenstein,” the Mel Brooks musical, Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m. and Sundays at 2 p.m., through Oct. 31 at the theater, 3018 Bordentown Ave., Parlin section of Sayreville.
Tickets cost $20 for adults, $18 for seniors and students, $12 for children, in advance; add $2 at the door.
To reserve, log on to www.smstc.org or call 732-553-1153.
– Middlesex County College program promotes the joys of reading
Middlesex County College’s Democracy House will host a Make a Difference Day program designed to encourage young kids to read on Oct. 24 at its Edison campus. Children age 4-10 are invited to visit the campus, hear from the author of the popular children’s book series Amelia Bedelia, enjoy refreshments, and have fun. Registration is limited to 100 children; each of them will receive a copy of an Amelia Bedelia book, which can be autographed by the author that day.
“We hope this day will inspire children to want to read,” said Arianna Illa, Democracy House’s coordinator.
The program, called “Adventures with Amelia: MCC Reads,” will run from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Herman Parish, who continued the Amelia books created by his aunt, Peggy Parish, brings the youngster to life with wacky wordplay, anecdotes about his aunt and insights into his writing process. He will talk to kids and parents, plus hold a special workshop just for parents on how to encourage their kids to read.
Pattiann McMahon, faculty advisor to Democracy House, said that MCC professors and student volunteers will read to the children and then conduct an activity related to the reading.
“It’s going to be both educational and fun,” she said. “I think it’s going to be a great day, and I hope we will turn kids on to the joys of reading.”
This Make A Difference Day grant was provided by Gannett Co. Inc./Home News Tribune.
“We are very grateful to Gannett and the Home News Tribune for providing the funding for this day,” Illa said. “Kids from all over the area will benefit from this program.”
Registration is strictly limited to 100 children and their parents, who must register in advance at www.middlesexcc.edu.