I have a couple of questions for voters to think about before they pull that lever in the upcoming election in South River.
Why weren’t past incumbents nominated by the Democratic Committee? What are the real issues?
In my eyes it is a political attack, not just on one Borough Councilman but on two councilmen. These two men worked very hard for the citizens in this town. They are not puppets for the Democratic Party. Sometimes decisions do not have to follow party lines. Isn’t it supposed to be what is best for the town and the citizens, not for the Democratic Party? Maybe the Democratic Party ideals are not the best for South River.
It’s time to stop playing the high school game of cliques and who is popular and to do what’s right for the citizens of this town. Who makes the decision concerning who to choose as candidates? Are they all puppets, or do these people play follow the leader? Who is on the screening committee? Who decides that an individual no longer represents the Democratic Party and what it stands for?
What does it say about the Democrats if candidates are considering running in the future under the Republican Party banner? After 39 years of being a registered Democrat, I am signing up for the Republican Party. How many others will turn to the Republican Party?
It’s time for the Democrats to see how many residents feel the same way or time for the Democrats to think about changing the committee leaders and look at the real issues in South River.
So before you pull the lever in November, think about who will do the best job for you, the citizens of South River.
Susan Olsen
South River