Healthy eats for vacationers

By Lauren Pendergast, R.D.N.

Summer’s here, school’s out and for many people that means vacation time is right around the corner. Check out these tips for healthier travels.

Traveling by plane or car? Bring healthy snacks with you to curb hunger!

 trail mix — mix whole grain cereal, walnuts, dark chocolate, dried fruit

 fresh fruit

 chopped vegetables

 peanut butter and whole grain crackers

 dried fruit

 popcorn

 dry cereal — tip: buy small containers of yogurt or low fat milk at the airport or bring them in a cooler on your road trip to add your cereal to

 unsalted nuts

Unable to bring snacks? Choose healthier snacks that many airports and rest stops offer!

 hummus with vegetable slices

 granola bars

 peanut butter crackers

 packages of unsalted nuts

 low fat yogurt

 fruits

 vegetables

 hard boiled eggs

 low fat string cheese

Will you be spending hours at the airport where snacks won’t suffice? Choose a healthy meal! Many airports offer healthier options, such as grilled meats, salads, baked potatoes, steamed vegetables, sandwiches with lean meat and whole wheat bread, and stir fry. If you feel that you’ll need to eat on the plane, buy something and bring it with you! If you choose to buy on the plane, choose healthy wraps with lean meats and vegetables or hummus and crackers.

Taking a road trip? To stay hydrated, bring water and add your own fruit slices or use a low calorie sweetener for additional flavor. Pre-portion your snacks so you don’t eat out of the bag and you are not tempted to overeat. If your ride is longer than a few hours, bring enough snacks to hold you over. If you let yourself feel starved, you may be more inclined to splurge when you stop for a meal. Bring a cooler to store meals and snacks for the ride! Remember to use a cooler that maintains a temperature of 40ºF or lower and clean your cooler with soap and water before each use.

Registered dietitian/nutritionist Lauren Pendergast is part of the Institute for Weight Loss at Raritan Bay Medical Center in Old Bridge.The Institute provides individualized medical and surgical solutions and support for individuals seeking weight loss, who have been unable to lose weight through conventional dieting, exercise or weight loss medication.To attend a free seminar, which occurs twice monthly, or make an appointment, call 855-TIME-4-ME.