R.S.V.P. for kosher Italian buffet by Jan. 9

R.S.V.P. for kosher Italian buffet by Jan. 9

The adult education group of Congre­gation Anshe Emeth, 88 Main St., South River, will hold a kosher Italian buffet on Jan. 18 to launch its "Book & Lecture Se­ries." Cost is $5 for nonmembers.

Part one will detail "The Jewish Book of Why" by Rabbi Alfred J. Kolatch. Lunch will follow. A "bagel brunch" will be Feb. 29 and March 28, and will cover the same book. Reservations must be made by Jan. 9. For reservations, call Lynette at (732) 254-4966.

The congregation’s sisterhood will hold a spaghetti dinner on Feb. 7 at 7:30 p.m. at the congregation. Cost is $5, and atten­dees must R.S.V.P. by Feb. 1. For reser­vations, call Carol at (732) 254-0565 or Rochelle at (732) 251-7858.

The congregation will hold its annual blood drive on Feb. 16 from 2:30-8 p.m. Individuals age 17-75 are eligible, and must bring identification. Donors over age 75 must have a doctor’s note, and those under age 17 need written permis­sion from parents. Donors must be in good health and weigh at least 110 pounds.

For an appointment, call Linda at (732) 238-6378.