(The writer read the following statement, regarding cutting the recently defeated school budget, at the joint meeting of the Milltown Board of Education and the Milltown Borough Council on May 11.)
Vandalism. Drug abuse. Alcohol abuse. Cutting the budget may promote this type of behavior and more.
Our school district has worked hard to keep our children engaged in various activities that enhance them academically, artistically, athletically and socially. If we cut these programs from the budget, I ask the Borough Council, what type of meaningful activities will you replace them with that will produce the same results? If our children can’t participate in sports after school, can’t participate in vocal-music and instrumental-music programs, explore and utilize their artistic talents and pursue their interests after school, what will they do? The answer is that many of them may get into trouble.
Going to school is more than what you learn in class. While that is most important, extracurricular activities are important as well. Having the guts to get on stage and sing to an audience of your peers and family is also an invaluable learning experience. Taking the mound at Michelin Field also shapes students for their future. Cut the budget, and these experiences will be no more.
You may say, “Well, the voters have spoken, and we have to respect that.” I say that sometimes the right choice may not be the popular one, but it is still the right choice. I ask you to consider the children of Milltown, the children who don’t have a vote and have so much to lose. These programs I speak of have proved beneficial in their development, and many participants have made lifetime memories for themselves, friends and families.
Please make the right choice and do not cut this budget, for my children, your children and every property owner in Milltown – because as the school system goes, so go our property values.
Joseph Pietanza