New hoops program pairs special players with pals

PHOTOS BY SCOTT FRIEDMAN Top: Coach Mike Peto shares a moment with John Herring, 7, and Megan Fannon, 11, during the final session of the new Basketball Pals program at the Monroe Township Community Center Sunday. Below: Alex Zelikovsky, 7, drives to the hoop with help from pal Christian Bartholomew, 12. PHOTOS BY SCOTT FRIEDMAN Top: Coach Mike Peto shares a moment with John Herring, 7, and Megan Fannon, 11, during the final session of the new Basketball Pals program at the Monroe Township Community Center Sunday. Below: Alex Zelikovsky, 7, drives to the hoop with help from pal Christian Bartholomew, 12. MONROE — The township’s recreation department, in a joint venture with local parents, has sponsored a new basketball program for the town’s special athletes.

Basketball Pals wrapped up its first six-week run on Sunday. The pilot program was met with great results. The players are ages 4-21 and have volunteers helping them individually on skills and drills for basketball. There were 22 players and 14 volunteer helpers. The goal was to have one coach per four players.

“The parents approached us, and based on the success of Buddy Ball we thought this was a good idea to try,” said Tony Wilcenski, Monroe’s director of recreation.

According to head coach Su Reiser, one of the goals of the program was to enable the kids and parents to enjoy the benefits of good health, recreation and socialization within their home community.

“Anytime you can get a child to move and have fun, you are teaching a life skill of good health,” Reiser said. “Add in a sport that they can play as a team, and you’ve added a social life skill. Pair it up with a community that cares for everyone equally, and you have a successful mix.”

A group of parents started a Buddy Ball baseball league two years ago. The basketball program is the result of those parents and children wanting to have year-round sports to participate in.

Basketball Pals met on Sundays at the Monroe Township Recreation Center. Those interested in joining or volunteering for future sessions should call Su Reiser at 732-792-7827 or e-mail reiserfamily6nj@