World War II to be subject of exhibit

The East Brunswick Museum, 16 Maple St., will honor the 60th anniversary of the end of World War II with a special exhibit.

At the outbreak of the war, East Brunswick was a rural community with 3,700 residents. Today, the population is nearing 50,000.

In addition to the military contributions made by local residents, every family made sacrifices to help win the war. Young women ran family farms and also worked in local war plants located in New Brunswick. Families had to ration their fuel and food.

The exhibit also will examine the impact of the post-World War II suburban experience, when thousands of veterans and their families moved to East Brunswick.

The experiences of other East Brunswick residents who suffered as civilians or served as soldiers in other national armies will be included in the exhibit.

The museum is looking for mementos, photos, articles of clothing, uniforms and equipment from the World War II generation. Residents who would like to be a part of the exhibit should call Rich Walling, exhibit coordinator, at (732) 390-1954.

For more information about the museum, call (732) 257-1508.