Parenting series to start on March 5 at library

Parenting series to start
on March 5 at library

"Baby and Me," a series of informative programs designed for newer parents, will begin at 10 a.m. on March 5 at the East Brunswick Public Library, Jean Walling Civic Center.

Guest speaker Carol Bruno of the East Brunswick Division of Recreation and Community Services will offer a presentation titled "Selecting a Baby Sitter."

Each one-hour session, scheduled for the first Friday of the month (with the exception of May, when the program will take place on the second Friday), will feature a guest speaker, a question-and-answer session and informal follow-up conversations. Young children are welcome. Every program also will include refreshments and raffle prizes.

"Books for Everyone" will be the topic for the April 2 session. Children’s librarians will offer a variety of books designed for parent-child sharing. Participants, who will learn how to develop their child’s reading readiness skills, also will discover older and newer titles suitable for home reading.

For more information and to reserve, call (732) 390-6789.