
July 30

• Bowling Event, sponsored by the Old Bridge High School Marching Band, 8-10 p.m., at Strathmore Lanes, Route 34, Aberdeen. Cost is $15 for three games and shoes.

Aug. 1

• All-You-Can-Eat Pig Roast, sponsored Sons of the American Legion Post No. 25, 1-8 p.m., rain or shine, at Milltown American Legion Hall, 4 JFK Blvd. Pig roast, beer, soda, hamburgers, hot dogs, etc. Donation is $25 per ticket, in advance only. Free parking. Tickets available for purchase after 3 p.m., Mondays-Saturdays, at the bar at the legion; entrance is on right side of the building. 732-828-7125.

Aug. 1 & Saturdays ongoing

• Organic Fertilizer and Home-Cleaning

Product Sale, featuring chemical free products, sponsored by the Lawrence Brook Watershed Partnership, 10 a.m.- noon, at the group’s headquarters building, 85 Washington Ave., Milltown. The nonprofit partnership, dedicated to the protection of the Lawrence Brook Watershed, encourages area residents to avoid the use of toxic lawn and garden products and cleaning liquids. Order forms available at local libraries, at the partnership’s Milltown headquarters, at, or by calling 732-249-5297.

Aug. 2 & 3

• Rummage Sale, sponsored by Anshe Emeth Memorial Temple, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Aug. 2, 5-8 p.m. Aug. 3, at the temple, 222 Livingston Ave., New Brunswick. Bargains on clothing, furniture, jewelry, housewares, toys, linens, more. 732-545-6484.