Middlesex County College, Edison, is offering “Transitions: Job Seekers’ Workshops,” classes for individuals looking for a job.
“The Emergency Job Search: How to Prepare” shows how to be ready in case of a sudden job loss and will be June 2. “Where the Jobs Are” slated for June 4, discusses the industries in which job growth is expected. “Networking: Social Networks and Online Resources” explores networking and Internet resources and will be June 9. “Resume Writing: The Real Deal” will be June 11, and “Cover Letters: The Four Critical Elements,” June 16. All classes are 6:39-9:30 p.m., and cost is $25 or $99 for the series of five classes.
Two courses on finances will also be offered. “Severance or Retirement Package: What to Do With the Money,” June 8 and 10 at a cost of $25, and “Retirement: By Design or Default,” June 16, 18, 23 and 25 for $99. Both are 6:30-9:30 p.m.
For more information, call Professional and Community Programs at 732-906-2556.