The Academy of Music on Main Street, Spotswood, will hold a unique performance event featuring its Children’s String Orchestra, Children’s Vocal Ensemble and Guitar Ensemble at the Cream Ridge Winery, Route 539 in the Cream Ridge section of Upper Freehold.
The June 22 event, from 3 to 6 p.m., will culminate in a wine and grape juice tasting for adults and children.
Each ensemble will perform a variety of music, with selections from numerous composers, including works by Dvorak and Cherubini.
“At our school, we are always looking for ways to give our kids a sense of accomplishment in their musical education,” said MelodyBlasenheim, director of the academy. “We’re also interested in giving them the confidence that comes with performing in memorable settings like this vineyard,which is an absolutely beautiful setting for beautiful music. We want our kids to know that what they are doing matters, and that their music education is more than just learning notes, it is a way they can express themselves and feel proud ofwhat they are doing.”
The ensembles are directed by three of the academy’s teachers:Marcia Hanjian, director of the String Orchestra; Joseph Puliafico, director of the Children’s Vocal Ensemble; and Bob Speidell, director of the Academy Guitar Ensemble.
The event is open to the public. Children can attend for free. Tickets are $10 for adults and can be purchased and picked up at the Academy ofMusic onMain Street by calling 732-251-3050.