Mary Jacobs Memorial Library
64 Washington St.
Rocky Hill, NJ 08553
(609) 924-7073
Fax: (609) 924-7668
E-mail [email protected]
Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 9:30 a.m.- 8:30 p.m.; Friday, 9:30 a.m. –
5 p.m.; Saturday, 9:30 a.m. – 4:30
Library Director: Helen Morris
Adult Services Librarian:Gail Madak
Youth Services Librarians: Mary
Jane Lisney, Nancy Lepionka
Special programs: Programs for
toddlers and children’s storytime.
Registration required for all programs.
Library card requirements: Resi
dent of a participating Somerset
County community; cards for non-
residents: $80 per year.
Fine for overdue books: 5 cents a
day; videos, $2 a day.
Plainsboro Public Library
641 Plainsboro Road
Plainsboro, NJ 08536
(609) 275-2897
Fax: (609) 799-5883
E-mail: [email protected]
Hours: Monday, Friday, 9 a.m.-
5:30 p.m.; Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday, 9 a.m.-8:30 p.m.; Sunday, 1-5 p.m.; Saturday, 10 a.m. -5
Library Director: Jinny Baeckler
Children/Youth Librarian: Rachel Camporeale
Reference Librarian: Regan Naticcia
Special programs: Improvmania
(drama for fourth- to sixth-graders), Hands on Science Center,
Plainsboro Literary Group, Gallery, English as a Second Lan
guage, Plainsboro Artists’ Alliance
and Mandarin collection. Plainsboro Festival of the Arts, third weekend in September.
Library card requirements: Live
or work in Plainsboro or have a
Mercer County library card; cards
for non-residents: $40 a year.
Fine for overdue books: 5 cents a
day; fine for overdue videos or
audiovisuals: audio 5 cents a day,
video, $1 a day.
Princeton Public Library
65 Witherspoon St.
Princeton, NJ 08542
(609) 924-9529
Ref. Fax: (609) 924-6109
E-mail: [email protected]
Hours: Monday-Thursday, 9 a.m.-
9 p.m., Friday, Saturday, 9 a.m.-
5:30 p.m.; and Sunday, 1-5:30
Summer hours: Closed Sundays in
July and August
Library Director: Leslie Burger
Youth Services Manager: Jan Johnson
Reference Manager: Elba Barzelatto
Special programs: "How to Use
the Internet" sessions for adults,
"Writers Talking" series, "Readings Over Coffee" for adults, "Lap
Sits For Parents And Babies" for
children under age 2; "Stories For
Toddlers" for children 2-3½ and
"Preschool Stories" for children
3½-5; "Group Visits To The Library" by appointment for nursery
schools, after-school programs,
camps, etc.; and special events for
Library card requirements: Princeton Borough and Princeton Township residents. Proof of residency required.
Cards for non-residents: One year, $125
Late fees for overdue books and
AV materials: 10 cents a day for
children’s materials and 20 cents a
day for adult materials.
West Windsor Branch
Mercer County
Library System
333 North Post Road
Princeton Junction, NJ 08550
(609) 799-0462 and (609) 275-8901
Fax: (609) 936-9511
Hours: Monday-Thursday, 9:30 a.m.-9 p.m.; Friday, 9:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m.; Saturday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
Branch Manager: Kaija Greenberg
Children/Youth Librarian: Faith Yim
Special programs: Weekly storytimes for 2 to 5 year olds; craft
programs for first-graders and up; toddler music twice a month.
Library card requirements: Proof of residency in any municipality
covered by the county library.
Cards for non-residents: $75
Fine for overdue books: 10 cents a
day; fine for overdue videos and cd-roms: $1 a day.