Is McDonald’s right for the corner of Whitehead Road and Brunswick Pike?

   A developer has asked the Lawrence Zoning Board of Adjustment for a use variance so that it can build a McDonald’s restaurant on a vacant lot at the corner of Whitehead Road and Brunswick Pike. The site, formerly a gas station, has been the focus of controversial applications in the past.
   Do you think that the site is well-suited for a fast-food restaurant?
   Answer by clicking on the "voice your opinion on this story" icon below.
   If you wish to send a letter to the editor on this topic, e-mail Managing Editor T.J. Furman at [email protected], fax (609) 466-2123 or mail it to P.O. Box 8, Hopewell, N.J. 08525. Letters must be less than 500 words and include the writer’s address and daytime phone number. The phone number will not be published and is for confirmation purposes only. E-mail is preferred. Please do not use attachments.
McDonald’s proposed for Brunswick Pike (May 4, 2000)