Kudos to BM-S, Merrill for helping with Strategic Plan

By:Ruth Luse
   On Monday, at a special Hopewell Valley Regional Board of Education meeting, something new — a five-year strategic plan for the school district — was unveiled.
   The process, which included about 500 people from many different walks of life, involved a steering committee; Dr. Harrison Sokoloff of the University of Pennsylvania, who led community forums; and a Strategic Planning Council, which held a weekend retreat, followed by several springtime meetings.
   The result of all the work — Belief Statements, Mission Statement and seven goals with strategies and actions — was the topic of Monday’s meeting.
   Many of those involved along the way were volunteers. They gave their time freely and enthusiastically on behalf of the children of Hopewell Valley Schools both now and in the future. Superintendent Robert Sopko described the attitude of many who worked on this project as “emotional” … as very excited and committed.
   What most, if not all, of those closely involved with the strategic planning process know is that two large corporations in this community — one coming on line and the other also relatively new to the Valley — made this planning process possible by donating both money and facilities.
   Bristol-Myers Squibb gave the district $25,000, out of which, among other things, came Dr. Sokoloff’s fees. Some of that money is left and will be used for other projects related to the strategic planning effort.
   Merrill Lynch provided facilities in Plainsboro at no cost, so the Strategic Planning Council could spend April 7-9 doing its work, which lasted often from 8:30 in the morning to 10:30 at night. Schools Superintendent Robert Sopko estimates that Merrill’s contribution also has been in the five-figure range.
   We join the school district in giving thanks to all those local people who took part in the process. Their names will be found in a related story this week.
   We also thank, on behalf of the taxpayers of the Hopewell Valley Regional School District, both B-MS and Merrill for their generous support of this project.
   While we know these two corporate giants are and will continue to hand Hopewell Township lots of tax dollars every year for as long as they are here, and that some of their employees’ children probably will be among the beneficiaries of the work done on this strategic plan, we also are aware that they didn’t have to help out. But they did — and for that, we are very grateful!