Contact Us

Contact information, names, emails and phone numbers.

Street Address

10 Hopewell Village Square

52 E. Broad Street (Rt. 518)

Hopewell, NJ 08525

Phone: (609) 466-1190

FAX: (609) 466-2123

Mailing Address

P.O. Box 8, Hopewell, NJ 08525

Managing Editor:

Mae Rhine

News Editor:

Cynthia Williamson


Robyn C. Stein


Julie Matson

Office Managers:

Betty Stellitano and Angela High

Board Chairman

Mary Louise Kilgore Beilman

President & General Manager

James B. Kilgore


Richard Willever

Production Director

Theodore R. Dentzer

Director of Information Services

Jack Francis

Director of Advertising

Gerri Gold

Director of New Media

Ruth Neirmeyer


June E. Vogel

Director of Circulation

Don Weimer