By: Lea Kahn
The Foxcroft Homeowners Association’s appeal of a township officials’ decision to allow part of a barn to be converted into office space at 10 Foxcroft Drive, off Princeton Pike, tops the agenda for the Zoning Board of Adjustment next week.
The zoning board will meet Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. in the Lower Level Conference Room at the municipal building to consider the homeowners’ appeal of the decision by township Zoning Officer Robert Minutoli. He is also the director of planning and redevelopment for the township.
Architect Paul Silverberg wants to renovate part of a barn, formerly occupied by the Lawrence Hospital for Animals, into office space for his architectural firm. The architect wants to occupy 5,760 square feet of space on the second floor for his offices.
The Zoning Board of Adjustment granted a use variance to permit the animal hospital offices and research use in the barn and adjacent buildings in 1951. The animal hospital went out of business in 1973. The land is zoned Environmental Protection-2, which does not permit offices.
In other business, the zoners will consider a request from John’s Amoco to install a canopy over the existing gasoline pumps. The gas station is located on Route 1, between the Quaker Bridge Mall overpass and Toys ‘R Us.
And the zoning board will listen to a request from Bessie Fizer of 49 Greenfield Avenue for a variance so she can replace an existing shed on her property.