Smoke testing planned for Saturday

   The East Windsor Municipal Utilities Authority will resume smoke testing of gravity sewers between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Saturday (rain date Oct. 21).
   Smoke testing will be performed on Pinehurst Drive, Piney Branch Road and Holland Lane.
   EWMUA employees perform the testing by releasing a smoke agent, under pressure, into sanitary sewers. Smoke is then pushed through the sewers and laterals with the use of an air blower, and in most cases escapes from the roof vents. Smoke should not enter buildings unless a leak or broken connection exists within the internal plumbing. Employees will go door to door to determine is smoke is present and to advise homeowners of corrective actions. The homeowner is responsible for making the necessary repairs.
   The smoking agent is not a true smoke, but a mist containing a large percentage of atmospheric moisture that provides high visual obscurity at low concentrations. The mist formation is seeded by zinc chloride and some other by-products of combustion, such as free carbon. This mist will dissipate very quickly without leaving a visible residue. Individuals suffering from heart and/or lung disorders, such as emphysema, should never be exposed to smoke and should plan to be away from the property during the test period.
   The smoke testing program was initiated by the East Windsor Municipal Utilities Authority to identify possible routes of entry for sewer gases into residences and businesses. This procedure also has been useful in locating broken sewer laterals, missing or damaged cleanout caps and other conditions which may be the cause of sewer blockages or sources of groundwater entry into the sanitary sewer.