Voice your opinion about S.S. and Medicare programs

I t should come as no surprise to New Jerseyans, regardless of age, that major changes to Medicare and Social Security are being discussed in Washington.

AARP is looking to take the discussions about these two bedrock American programs out from behind the closed doors of our nation’s capital and into our neighborhoods and communities. That’s why we have launched “You’ve Earned a Say,” a national conversation about protecting the future of these two essential programs. Here in New Jersey, “You’ve Earned a Say” kicked off with a live event in Princeton on March 20. Nearly 10,000 concerned citizens were able to participate in one of three ways: by attending in person, by participating in a simultaneous Tele- Town Hall event, or by joining an online interactive Web stream. Archived footage of the kickoff event can be viewed online at www.livestream.com/AARPNJ.

The fact is, we’ve heard one common refrain from millions of AARP members. They’ve earned these benefits by paying into Social Security and Medicare for years, and they have also earned a say in the future of these programs. “You’ve Earned a Say” is about giving them an opportunity to offer their own ideas for keeping these programs strong for years to come.

There is no time like the present to make sure your voice is heard. Please visit www.earnedasay.org or call 1- 888-OUR-AARP to speak out on these two key issues

Dave Mollen
AARP N.J. State President