Peddie School, Minute Maid give $35,000 towards project
By: Mark Moffa
HIGHTSTOWN – Fire Chief John Archer hopes a move the fire department made this year save taxpayer money in the long run.
The fire department decided to use its own funds to refurbish its 1979 Telesquirt fire engine.
At a cost of $85,000, the project will hopefully put off the purchase of a new truck for five or six more years, Mr. Archer said.
The truck, an attack pumper with a large device on the top designed to spray up to 1,000 gallons a minute on a fire, was deteriorating, Mr. Archer said.
"We had a lot of rust coming through," Mr. Archer said. "It was just starting to fall apart on us."
‘It didn’t cost the taxpayers anything and we extended the life of the truck.’ John Archer,
Fire chief |
So the department had the vehicle stripped down to its bare metal. The result is a truck that should be able to service the borough and surrounding area for years to come.
Two "man-saving" doors were added to comply with regulations designed to ensure the safety of firefighters riding in the truck.
And compartments were added above the rear wheels for the storage of air packs.
The truck, in new condition, would cost at least $500,000 today, Mr. Archer said. The department bought it for $130,000 in 1979.
Because the borough pays for new fire trucks, Mr. Archer said he did not want to request a new truck this year since the borough bought a new pumper truck in 1998 and a ladder truck in 1989.
"We’re trying to set it up so it doesn’t hit the town all at once," Mr. Archer said.
The funds for the renovation came from the fire department’s own fundraising efforts and corporate donations.
The Peddie School donated $25,000 towards the truck, affectionately called "Squirt," and The Minute Maid Company gave $10,000. CCL Label contributed $2,000.
"It didn’t cost the taxpayers anything and we extended the life of the truck," Mr. Archer said.