The following activities are offered at the East Windsor Township Howard Scarborough Senior Center. Call the senior center for complete information at 371-7192.
   The senior center will offer a program on advance directives at 10:30 a.m. Thursday.
   A trip to Six Flags Outlet Mall with lunch on your own is scheduled for Feb. 9. The senior bus will be available to pick up seniors at the following locations and approximate times: senior center, 9 a.m.; WP, 9:10 a.m.; St. James, 9:20 a.m.; Hightstown, 9:30 a.m.; Twin Rivers, 9:40 a.m. The cost of transportation is $3/$1.50 PAAD.
   A trip to Ye Olde Cottage Inn and Delicious Orchard is scheduled for Feb. 16. The senior bus will pick up seniors at the following locations and times: senior center, 9:30 a.m.; WP, 9:40 a.m.; St. James, 9:50 a.m.; Hightstown, 10 a.m.; Twin Rivers, 10:10 a.m. The cost is $3.50/$1.75 PAAD.
   Free computer classes are offered to seniors age 60 and older living in Hightstown and East Windsor. Classes are held from 2 to 4 p.m. Saturdays or 7 to 9 p.m. Mondays at the Kreps Middle School.
   Classes offered are Novice/Novice, Advanced Surfing the Web, Computer Refresher Course, Introduction to Word and Advanced Word. For class dates, call 371-7192.
   The senior center offers transportation to individuals age 60 and older to local doctor appointments and shopping trips. Trips also are offered regularly on Fridays. Call Amy at 371-7192 for more information.