In response to Carl Jennings’ letter to the editor on May 5 (Recreation Director Responds to Resident’s Comment), I stand true to the fact that Mr. Jennings did in fact say those words to me, as I remember exactly where I was standing, what the day was like, what direction I was facing in, and who was there. I will not retract on the event because it did occur. Unfortunately, it was five years ago. I remember this because my oldest daughter was only 9 at the time and I was appalled, not only at the statement, but that it was extremely inappropriate for the age group I was speaking in concern of.
So with that, I must respond to the questions that Mr. Jennings raised as to “Why not take action against me then?” During the past five years when speaking with residents about Mr. Jennings, and in his defense, nearly each of them stated to me after I described the incident: “That just doesn’t sound like Carl.” Well, maybe he was having a bad day and, with that in mind, I did not approach the issue and let it go. I did follow up with Mr. Jennings even after the in-person conversation we had on the issue of running a field hockey program for our young girls. In fact, we had a long discussion and I explained how (at the time) there were no programs in the school system to support this sport until age 13. I mentioned that the sport shows great promise in the future of young women with good grades and possible scholarships to colleges. Again, though, I felt as if the program would not be taken seriously, as he asked me how I would get the girls to the program. I sought programs outside Long Branch to support our daughters’ interests.
In addressing the concern of Mr. Jennings as to “Why wait over a year (actually it was five) to grandstand at a council meeting during the election time?” I take fault in that, and it was against my better judgment. I did use something that was said long ago, and in hindsight wished I had not. It was not my focused desire to highlight that remark in the media. And those who where in attendance that night I believe heard much more from me than that remark.
Back to the real issue, we (Long Branch) do still need better and more gender-balanced programs in the recreation department for young girls. We have strong programs in wrestling, baseball and football, which are all primarily accessed by boys. We could use seed programs in field hockey, lacrosse and gymnastics, just to name a few. And although my daughters are past that age, I would be more than willing to work with Mr. Jennings and the recreation department to see that those programs get started. We have some amazing female athletes in Long Branch who are not given the support needed to grant their full potential.
Denise Hoagland
Long Branch