From the March 8 edition of the Register-News
110 years ago
It is settled that Burlington County is to have but two legislative districts hereafter. The fur is flying just now relative to the boundaries thereof. Bordentown will doubtless be in the Democratic district and Pemberton is making a gallant fight to be also included.
The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals has given notice that it will prosecute hereafter those who indulge in the shooting of live pigeons, as a pastime or for a purse.
Senator Carter, on Tuesday, presented a petition to the Senate from Moorestown, asking for a law to make liquor dealers remove screens from their doors and windows, and to forbid the exposure of any bottles or jugs in their windows.
100 years ago
DeVoe has taken to the woods for the remainder of his life. The fire and brimstone predicted for last Monday was not even sighted. Indeed, Monday was like one of those June days that fires poets.
The mail-carriers connected with the Moorestown post office have had their salaries raised from $600 to $850 per year.
A Burlington county truck driver raiser says he used to get $5 for the first basket of early tomatoes; now he is lucky to get $1. Southern truck is the cause.
80 years ago
Following the laying off of many men in the various departments of the Pennsylvania Railroad, announcement was made Wednesday night of a drastic wage cut. The reduction, it was said, would affect every employee, from president of the company down. Local employees heard yesterday their cut would amount to 20 percent.
The Roebling plant, located at the village of Roebling, has been on short time for several weeks, many employees making four or five days a week. Carpenters, machinists and kindred workers were recently laid off, many indefinitely and others for a short time. Yesterday it was rumored the plant might close tomorrow for two weeks.
The Humane Fire Company has completed all arrangements for its big motion picture benefit, to be held in the Bordentown Theatre on March 23. May Allison will be presented in a most enjoyable comedy, "All Men Are Alike." There will also be added travel and comedy features.
Members of the Citizen Hook and Ladder Company are also planning a benefit for the fire truck. They have secured Rex Beach’s thrilling story, "The Branding Iron," which will be shown on March 30.
50 years ago
Property owners along several of Bordentown Township’s new streets are going ahead with plans to have their streets paved at their own expense. The work will actually be done under the sponsorship of the township but the cost will be assessed against the owners of properties benefiting from the improvement.
Bordentown City’s brand-new parking meter ordinance was finally passed Tuesday evening. There were no objections to the ordinance and only three taxpayers attended the hearing in addition to representatives of the press.
Patrick Flynn asked several questions in regard to plans for the meters and his questions were answered to his satisfaction. Another resident inquired as to the possibilities of installing meters in front of his own property on a side street, at his own expense, and was told this would be illegal.
The meters will be ordered shortly and as soon as they arrive will be installed along Farnsworth Avenue from Park Street to the end of the shopping district just beyond Burlington Street.
Motorists will be required to deposit a nickel for one hour’s parking between the hours of 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. with the exception of Sundays and holidays.
Compiled by Vanessa Sarada Holt from The Bordentown Register, 1891-1951.