From the March 8 edition of the Register-News
Street Fair
The 24th annual Street Fair, sponsored by the Greater Bordentown Chamber of Commerce, will be held from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. May 19 and 20 in historic Bordentown. The event will feature over 100 juried crafters, along with Bordentown area merchants and services, as well as family fun and entertainment.
MacFarland reunion
Anyone interested in meeting, planning or attending the 50-year reunion of the William MacFarland High School Class of 1951 may contact Jean Huebler Wainwright at 499-0897.
La Leche League
La Leche League of Jobstown, a nonprofit breastfeeding support group, meets at 10 a.m. the fourth Thursday of each month (except August and December) at the Jacksonville Presbyterian Church. Babies and children are welcome. For information, contact Maura, 265-3912.
Cub Scouts
Boys who have completed kindergarten through those in fourth grade are invited to join Cub Scout Pack 3 of Roebling/Florence. Those interested can call Art Mullenax at 499-2431 or Scott Blum, 499-8862, for further information.
The Silver Tongues chapter of Toastmasters meets at 7 p.m. the first Thursday of every month at the Londonshire Restaurant, Route 130, Burlington. Toastmasters is a national non-profit organization that helps members become better communicators and public speakers.
For information, call Russ Emrick, (856) 910-9078.
Preschool registration
New Hanover Township School is pre-registering children for the September 4-year-old preschool class. Children must live in Wrightstown or New Hanover Township and be 4 years old by Sept. 30 to enroll.
To pre-register, call 723-2139.
Kindergarten registration for the 2001-2002 school year has started at Holy Assumption School, Hornberger Avenue, Roebling. Call the school office at 499-0045 for the appropriate paperwork. Children must be 5 years old on or before Sept. 30 to enroll.
Preschool evaluations
Parents of preschool children ages 2½ to 5 who are developing or learning differently can contact Phyllis B. Trobman, Child Study Team director at the John Hydock Elementary School, at 298-4768 for information regarding evaluations for special education and related services.
Community breakfast
Jacksonville Community Center will host several community breakfasts from 8 a.m. to noon at the center, Route 670, Springfield Township. Dates are March 18, April 1 and 22, May 6 and June 3.
Chinese auction
The Columbus Home & School Association will sponsor its annual Chinese auction Friday in the Northern Burlington County Regional High School cafeteria. Doors will open at 6 p.m. and drawings will begin at 8 p.m. There will be a $3 donation at the door, which includes the first dollar’s worth of tickets, door prize tickets and free refreshments.
Prizes include hand-made crafts, tickets to local attractions, gift certificates to local restaurants and other merchandise. No one under 18 will be admitted.
Spaghetti dinner
Holy Cross Lutheran School, 280 Crosswicks Road, Bordentown, will hold a spaghetti dinner and open house Friday. The open house is scheduled from 5 to 7 p.m. and the dinner starts at 6 p.m.
The school is accepting registrations for September from preschool through sixth grade. For information, call 298-2880.
Oyster dinner
Tickets are available for the Bordentown Presbyterian Church’s annual oyster supper to be held from 1 to 7 p.m. Saturday at the church, 420 Farnsworth Ave. The family-style, all-you-can-eat event features fried oysters, chicken salad, mashed potatoes, many accompaniments and homemade desserts.
Tickets are $17 for adults and $5 for children ages 8-14, children under 8, free. The dinner is the church’s primary fund-raiser. For tickets or information, call 298-1250.
Art show and sale
Huber-Moore Funeral Home of Bordentown will host an art show and sale from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday at the Wesley United Methodist Church, 24573 East Main St., Columbus. The display will feature the work of Sidney Gross, Claudia Teal and Joan Kechner, a group of artists from East Street Art in Columbus, as well as several other local artists.
Artists wishing to participate may contact Nikki at 893-4800 or 298-0330 for additional information. Admission to the event is free and the artists will donate a portion of their proceeds to local charities.
Casino trip
The Knights of Columbus 570 will sponsor a trip to the Showboat Casino in Atlantic City Sunday. The bus will leave St. Mary’s Church parking lot at 4:30 p.m. for a four-hour stay at the casino. The cost is $15 per person and participants will receive $16 in coins.
For reservations, call Bob, 298-5530.
Multiple sclerosis
support group
A multiple sclerosis support group will meet from 1 to 3 p.m. Monday at Roebling Arms, 1340 Hornberger Ave., Roebling. To register, call Betty Kimball, 499-9134. The group meets the second Monday of each month.
Blood drive
An American Red Cross Blood Drive will be held from 1:30 to 7 p.m. Tuesday at Bordentown Regional High School, Dunns Mill Road. For an appointment, call Linda Brown or Lucille Winslow at 298-2600, ext. 2.
General to speak
Maj. Gen. James W. Wurman, U.S. Army, retired, will speak at Fountain of Life Center, Burlington-Columbus Road, at 7 p.m. Wednesday. Maj. Gen. Wurman has held a wide variety of command and staff positions, including Commanding General, U.S. Army Training Center, Fort Dix, from July 1988 to June 1991.
The public is invited. There is no admission charge. For more information, call 499-2131 or go to
Chinese auction
The Holy Assumption School PTA will hold its annual Chinese auction March 16 at Holy Assumption School, Hornberger Avenue, Roebling. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. and the auction starts at 8 p.m.
Tickets are $4 for 25 and will be sold at the door. Admission is free and complimentary cake, coffee and tea will be served during intermission. Additional refreshments may be purchased.
Children under 18 must be accompanied by an adult throughout the auction. For further information, call 499-0045.
Trash & treasure
Trinity United Methodist Church, 339 Farnsworth Ave., Bordentown, will hold its monthly trash and treasure sale from 9 a.m. to noon March 16 and 17. A stuff-a-bag-of-clothing for $1 sale will be held this month and April. Easter items, lace, felt and a half-price sale on craft kits will be featured this month.
The Holy Name Society of Holy Assumption Parish will hold an all-you-can-eat breakfast from 8 to 11:30 a.m. March 18 at McGrath Hall, Hornberger Ave., Roebling. The menu includes eggs, home fries, sausage, pancakes, orange juice, coffee and rolls.
The cost is $4 for adults, $3 for seniors 65 and older, $2 for children age 6-12, children 5 and under, free.
Bordentown seniors
The Bordentown Township Senior Citizens Club meets the first and third Monday of each month at the senior citizens community center on Municipal Drive. The next meeting will be March 19. Doors open at 11 a.m. and the meeting starts at 1 p.m. Light refreshments and bingo will follow. Township seniors 55 and older are welcome.
A covered dish will be held at 6:30 p.m. Saturday.
There is a trip to Atlantic City every third Tuesday. The cost is $12. For details, call 298-4396. The next trip is March 20.
A birthday party will be held at 6:30 p.m. March 24.
Computer classes will be held at 1 p.m. March 21 and 28. Dance motivation (exercise) classes are held from 11 a.m. to noon every Friday.
St. Mary’s trip
Friends of St. Mary’s School, Bordentown, will sponsor a trip to the Brownstone in Wayne, N.J. March 21 to celebrate the Feast of St. Joseph. The Italian Saint’s Day festival will feature fine food, entertainment and dancing.
The cost is $55 and the bus will leave from St. Mary’s Church at 9 a.m. and return about 5 p.m. For reservations, call 298-3420.
Book discussion
The book discussion group will meet at 8 p.m. March 22 at By The Book at U&I Gift Shop, 150 Farnsworth Ave., Bordentown. The book selection is "The Girl in Hyacinth Blue" by Susan Vreeland. At 9 p.m., the group will continue the discussion at Cafe A La Mode.
The classics group will discuss "The Sun Also Rises" by Ernest Hemingway on March 22.
A writer’s group meets at 7:30 p.m. the first and third Wednesday of every month at By The Book. For information, call Arlene Bice, 298-3334.
Fish fry
The Holy Name Society of Holy Assumption Parish will hold a Lenten Friday Night Fish Fry from 5:45 to 7:15 p.m. March 23 at McGrath Hall, Hornberger Avenue, Roebling. Entree choices are flounder, fan-tailed shrimp, deviled crab cakes or a combination platter and will be served with French fries and cole slaw.
The cost is $7 per dinner, $8.50 for the combination platter.
Charter School
The Board of Directors of the DELTA Community Charter School will meet at 7:45 p.m. March 26 at the Crosswicks Community Center. Action may be taken. The meeting site is accessible to those with disabilities. Anyone requiring special aid may contact Marilyn Bellis, 758-8833.
Casino trip
The Florence Township Memorial High School Soccer Booster Club will sponsor a bus trip to the Taj Mahal in Atlantic City on March 31. The cost is $20 and $15 for seniors. Participants will receive $10 in coins.
Call 499-8040 or 499-4373 for details.
Children living in the Bordentown Regional School District who will be 5 years old by Oct. 1 are eligible to register for kindergarten for the 2001-02 school year. Registration for children living in Bordentown Township (excluding Holloway Meadows) and Fieldsboro will be held April 16, 17, 18 and 19 at Peter Muschal School.
Students residing in Bordentown City and Holloway Meadows may register April 18, 19 and 20 at Clara Barton School.
Contact Peter Muschal School at 298-2600 ext. 4112 or Clara Barton School at 298-0676 ext. 3102 to make an appointment or for further information.
Memorial trees
The Bordentown Shade Tree Committee has established a Memorial Tree Program. Memorial Tree Program brochures can be picked up at App’s Hardware Store, 377 Farnsworth Ave. and By the Book at U & I Gifts, 150 Farnsworth Ave.
GED program
Bordentown Community Education/Recreation offers a free preparation program for those interested in obtaining their GED diploma. Classes are designed to allow students to attend two nights per week, study at their own pace and take the GED test when they are prepared.
The GED test is administered in both English and Spanish. Instruction focuses on review and development needs in test areas of English, math, science and social studies.
For registration information, call Bordentown Regional Community Education/Recreation at 298-9123.
Gift cards
The Bordentown Veterans Memorial Committee offers "gift cards" representing one paver with a family name or the name of the person for whom it is a gift. Each paver costs $150 and buyers don’t have to have a veteran or a resident of Bordentown City to purchase one.
For more information, call Debbie Baldwin at 324-9141 or Arlene Bice, 298-3334.
Parents Anonymous
A Parents Anonymous support group meets from 7 to 9 p.m. Wednesdays at Trinity United Methodist Church, 1285 Hornberger Ave., Roebling.
Parents Anonymous of New Jersey Inc. is a private, non-profit organization that provides free, community based support groups for parents who are having problems with their children and feel they would benefit from meeting weekly with other parents for help and support. Parents who attend may remain anonymous.
Volunteers needed
Good listeners are needed to help people who are mourning or anticipating the loss of a pet through death or any other separation. Training is provided. Call 1-800-404-PETS and leave a name, address and phone number.