Chapter A

   The Senior Citizens Chapter A meet the first Thursday of each month at 1 p.m. in the Municipal Complex. We are open to new members. Our next meeting will be April 5.
   Hillsborough Education Foundation is sponsoring a crafts program that will be available to any senior in the community. This portion will begin March 20 and will be held Tuesdays from 4-6 p.m. This is free but you must go to the Board of Education office and fill out an application so they can prepare.
   Our own Chapter A has formed a craft group that meets Thursdays from 1-3 p.m. The first meeting had a large group making Easter bonnets for our April meeting. This last meeting we had fun making little favor baskets for the April meeting. Our next meeting will be held March 29. We will also hold a raffle at the April 5 meeting.
   On May 3 we’ll have a hot roast beef luncheon for $10. This is always a popular event well attended.
   Thursday, April 12, 8:45 a.m. Showboat — Lunch and show at the Three Little Bakers Theater. Bus leaves DeCanto’s in Hillsborough.
   Tuesday-Thursday, May 22 — May 24 Trip to Newport, R.I., and Mystic Seaport, Conn. You can start making your payments now. For reservations and information, on the above trips and the club in general, call 369-4474.
   Atlantic City bus trips continue on the first Monday to Taj Mahal and the Marina on the third Monday. Seating is open to everyone. Call 359-6418 or 359-5649.

—Elsie Slusser

Chapter B

   Chapter B members met last Thursday in the Municipal Complex for their regular monthly meeting. As usual, there was much activity with ticket sales for upcoming trips and our Spring Luncheon that will be held in April.
   A few tickets are available for our trip to Rocking Horse Ranch, April 30 to May 4 and to Mackinac Island, Michigan, in September. Call the number listed below if you are interested.
   Congratulations and a rose was presented to Estelle Drozdowski in honor of on her 85th birthday. Nick Troisi, former vice president of our club and Anne Dolida were presented with a rose and our congratulations in honor of their engagement. Wedding will be in September. Best wishes to all three Chapter B members.
   Six new members were welcomed into our chapter at the meeting. Since our luncheon in April will be held in lieu of our regular meeting, no new members will be accepted in April.
   Before refreshments were served, a group call "Acting Up" comprised of several Franklin Park seniors and two of our own Chapter B members entertained us with humorous readings all pertaining to our every day life. If you are interested in signing up for this group, you can go to the Franklin Senior Center on Wednesday mornings from 9:30-11 a.m. or call Alice Schafer at 369-4573.
   Reminder that our "Breakfast in the Park" will be held 8:30 a.m. March 22 at the Municipal Complex. Cost is $3 and includes coffee, juice, donut and Egg McMuffin with the cost of breakfast being returned upon attendance. Call 359-3840 or 359-7210 if interested.
   For more information about Chapter B, contact 874-7094.

Nancy Greggo

Senior Center

   Hillsborough Senior Center, 587 Amwell Road, Neshanic, offers the following activities:
   Bingo: Monday, and Wednesday, 11-11:30 a.m. Bridge Club: Tuesday, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Blood pressure readings: third Tuesday of each month from 10-11:30 a.m. Exercise: Tuesday and Friday, 11 a.m. Liquid embroidery: Monday 10 a.m. Postal visit; fourth Tuesday, 9-10:45 a.m.
   Friday, March 16 St. Patrick’s Day Celebration.
   Thursday, March 22 Health Fair — Visit Manville Center.