Providing positive outcomes from lives cut short

BUZZ IN THE HALLS: A look at the people behind the names on memorial scholarships.

   Last week, I wrote about two of the scholarships given out by Allentown High School to its students.
   There are many others offered through private and public foundations for the students to take advantage of. Many of these are "memorial" funds honoring those who have died, but whose names live on at least once a year at graduation.
   However, many times even the recipient has no idea what life the award now stands for. This week, I’d like to give some information about how the Scholarship Committee works and the background of some of the scholarships to be given out Tuesday at the Senior Awards Banquet.
   The Scholarship Committee is composed of AHS staff members, both instructional and noninstructional, who serve on the committee in a voluntary capacity.
   At the beginning of April, a packet is given to each faculty member outlining each scholarship and its requirements. From there, the faculty is asked to nominate students fitting the criteria. When the S.C. meets, each name is discussed and the qualifications are checked. Based on recommendations and worthiness, the students are then chosen.
   The Hill-Richardson Memorial Award is named after teachers Lonay Hill and Ava Richardson, who tragically died about a decade ago when they were involved in a car accident after the Winter Concert. The Robert M. MacReynolds Memorial Scholarship Award is given to a female softball player, a sport that Mac coached for years at AHS. Mac was a guidance counselor when he passed away almost two years ago.
   The Mary Wharton Secretarial Award, given to a member of the senior class who has shown outstanding achievement in secretarial curriculum, is named after a former secretary at AHS. The Glen Carpenter Memorial Scholarship is named to honor Mr. Carpenter, a former Millstone Elks member. This recipient must write an essay on "loyalty."
   The Gordon G. Poinsett Award is named after elementary school teacher Georgia Poinsett’s husband’s father. This is a $100 savings bond given to a student of high service, character and achievement.
   Not all awards are named after influential adults. Some are to honor deceased students. The Jennifer Pecoraro Award is given to honor a student whose life unexpectedly ended tragically while the child was still in middle school. The Steven E. Reid Awards are given to commemorate the popular student, Redbird band member, Allentown resident and Flyers fan whose brief life was marked by tremendous courage while he faced cancer.
   The Robert C. Schaumloeffel Scholarship is named after a student who was killed in an auto accident approximately 16 years ago. The Alspaugh-Buckalew-Chiste Memorial, a new award to celebrate the lives of the three members of the class of 2001 who have lost their lives, will be awarded to a student who demonstrates self-expression through the arts, as all three boys did.
   A $2,500 Alspaugh Scholarship Fund exists separately to help the student who writes the best essays on living for the moment and explaining his/her philosophy on life. The also separate Peter R. Chiste Memorial Scholarship will be awarded to a student who fits a list of criteria and writes an essay on making a positive impact on society.
   There are a few others whose histories I could not extrapolate, although I suspect there are those around who carry their memories vividly with them through life. In any case, these scholarships were set up to provide a positive outcome from a beautiful life. Like the holiday we just celebrated, graduation should give us some time to pause and think of those whose lives celebrated the advancement and enhancement of those around us.
Buzzing in the halls this week: a large turnout occurred for the dedication ceremony of the trees for the departed members of the senior class. The ceremony was poignant and heartfelt. Hopefully it will provide the entire school a sense of closure. Three colored ribbons will be available to be worn at graduation by the staff and students of AHS to remember the students …
   The FFA banquet was held last week. The many accomplishments of the No. 1 FFA chapter in New Jersey were celebrated …
   The Academic Awards are being given out tonight at AHS. Senior Awards will be given out on June 12 …
   Half days begin June 13, with exams taking place the 14th and 15th …
   Get well soon to senior Justin Cichon, who was involved in a moving vehicle accident. All our thoughts are with you …
   A private message to K.C., a former student in my English I honors class. My prayers are with you for a speedy recovery. Keep strong.
Pam Koharchik is an English teacher at AHS. Buzz in the Halls is a regular feature.