Letters to the editor

For the week of June 7

Township needs to focus on high school issue
To the editor:
I believe I speak for many Washington residents when I say we are getting tired of the petty bickering going on within the township’s Republican Party. It’s time to stop the anonymous letters and political in- fighting under way because there are serious issues facing our community, the paramount one being the proposed high school.
   I have written previously on this topic and continue to have serious misgivings about the practicality of a township high school. The high school construction is currently projected to cost $41.6 million; however, at last week’s school board meeting, the educational consulting firm’s representative indicated that the high school feasibility study was "very preliminary." In my view, this can only mean the costs will increase, as they almost always do with construction projects.
   The impact on our tax burden is staggering. Using the feasibility report’s figures, the estimated construction cost after state aid is applied is $31.7 million. Using a modest 7 percent interest rate and assuming 30 years to maturity for the required bond issuance, the result is more than $2.5 million annually in debt service costs. In addition, the estimated operating cost for the high school is $5.8 million, which is more than a 150 percent increase over the $2.3 million it costs Washington to send its high school students to Lawrence at present.
   In summary, to build and operate our own high school a net increase of almost 80 cents per $100 of assessed value will be required. Using the township average, albeit misleading, assessed value of $160,000, that’s $1,250 of additional taxes each year. Is it really worth that much for us to be able to say, "We have our own high school?"
Stephen C. Angelo
Miscoski can provide town with leadership
To the editor:
I have lived in Upper Freehold Township for almost 16 years and serve as a volunteer firefighter. As a volunteer, I am pleased to report that the township has one full-time firefighter/driver from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. and has acquired a new pumper. This permits us to provide a quick response time in the event of an emergency. The driver allows us to get a truck on the road right away and set up. Some of the volunteers can then drive directly to the fire while others get additional equipment at the station. The full-time driver is a real asset during the day, when many people have to work.
   I would like to thank the people on the Township Committee who have supported us in this behalf and to extend a special thanks to Bill Miscoski at election time.
   Bill also has helped senior citizens and the residents of the borough and the township. Over the years, Bill has coordinated Meals on Wheels for 10 years. Bill has also worked hard to advance the Byron Johnson recreation field. The field will include soccer and little league fields, tennis courts and my favorite, bocce courts.
   The voters of this township need good, sensible and reasonable leadership. We need experienced people on the Township Committee that will lead and direct this township.
   I urge the voters of Upper Freehold to support Bill Miscoski for Township Committee and ensure that we have responsible people.
Dominic Giovanelli
Upper Freehold
Bill Miscoski has record of serving the township
To the editor:
As a member of the Upper Freehold school board, I have had the opportunity to work with many members of the public to resolve issues that have an impact on the quality of education here in our community. Recently one resident who has worked tirelessly for her township, Donna Miscoski, decided not to run for re-election to the school board after serving for a number of years. While I deeply regret her not being on the board, I would like to thank her for her dedication to our community and wish her well in her other pursuits.
   Donna and her husband, Bill, have devoted a large part of their lives to this community by serving as the Meals on Wheels representatives for 10 years and working with families in crisis through a variety of social service organizations. They, along with Taffy and Kenny Horner, have sponsored the "Frank Miscoski Memorial Tournament" for the past 13 years to raise funds for scholarships going to graduates of the Upper Freehold Regional School District. To date $75,000 have been endowed to 18 students in our school system to allow them to pursue their educational goals.
   With what little background I have given here it’s easy to see that the Miscoski family has a long tradition of community service. Bill Miscoski wants to continue that family tradition by running, once again, for Township Committee. He has my vote and full support in the June 26 primary. I hope that all residents of Upper Freehold will take the time to get out and vote for Bill in his bid for reelection.
Shari Burke
Upper Freehold
Ms. Burke is a member of the Upper Freehold Regional Board of Education.

Washington GOP club supports Calcagno

To the editor:

The Washington Township Republican Club, in a clear message of unity, voted overwhelmingly to endorse Township Committeeman Vince Calcagno for a third term.

   During the spirited discussion of the current controversy surrounding the Mercer County Republican organization, and the fact that they have not run a successful campaign in recent time, a solid majority of the club members stuck with a sure thing and again voted to support Vince and asked him to continue to serve as a Washington Township Committeeman.

   Club member Ed Nelson nominated Vince for the endorsement stating that "Vince has been a committeeman since 1994 and has been successful in preserving open space and farmland, has provided a large amount of new recreational opportunities for our youth and adults and has encouraged new commercial development all while holding the line on municipal taxes."

   Member and current mayor Dave Fried cited Vince’s effort in preserving open space in the township over the past several years. Dave said that "Vince has proven to be a leader in open space and farmland preservation and the proof is in the fact that during his time in office the township has permanently preserved over 700 acres of farmland and increased open space to nearly 1,400 acres."

   Dr. Robert Scheideler noted that Vince "stands for stability and preservation of our way of life here in Washington Township. His opponent is unproved and has not even attended the township Committee meetings."

   Acting club President Pete Chamberlin said that "Vince attends all meetings and I give him a thumbs up as he does his homework, is very knowledgeable about the town and understands the needs and concerns of the township businesses."

   While Vince will be challenged by former one-term school board member Mark Tobias in the upcoming Republican primary on June 26, club Secretary Tom Harris was pleased that "both candidates went on record and promised the club that they would run clean campaigns."

Ed Nelson

Washington Township

Republican Club

Bill Miscoski deserves voters’ support

To the editor:

As one of the newest members of the Upper Freehold Regional Board of Education, I would personally like to thank everyone who cast a vote for me in the last election. Your support for me is appreciated. I hope to have an impact on the changing educational and athletic needs of my community over the next few years.

   One issue that I believe needs to be supported to the fullest extent possible is the call for community recreational fields here in the township. Township Committeeman William Miscoski has done an excellent job of bringing the Byron Johnson recreational fields from a dream to a community coordinated plan and now to reality. By the fall of 2002 the fields should be ready for community use and our children will have a safe and modern facility that they can be proud of.

   Bill has done a great job of balancing the needs of our children while keeping a close eye on tax dollars spent to meet our recreational requirements. In the upcoming election I will be supporting Bill, and I’d like to ask all the residents of the township to do so, in his bid to remain on the Township Committee. His continued efforts to obtain properties in the township for recreation will serve all of us very well.

Kim Sansouci

Upper Freehold