New Library Approved by Council

Construction to start in spring 2002.

By:Zachary Suarez
On the eve of July 23 2001, another, and probably the last, step
taken on the issue of the new library. The Borough Council and
Committee, along with library trustees, fund-raisers, and attorneys,
approved a 17.5 million dollar plan to build a new library on the
corner of
Wiggins and Witherspoon where the current library is standing. The
construction of the new library will begin in the spring of 2002 and
probably be completed in three years time. also on the same night they
approved a 2.5 million grant from the state of New Jersey to fund some
the project. Most of the money contributed for the library was given
different donors, and an average grant would be about $55,000 dollars.
While the new 57000-square-foot, three-story library is being built,
thousands of library book are to be held in a temporary library where
Book & Music is now.