Research Report
Community Opinion School Construction Issues
Conducted by ie communication
Study Purpose: The Washington Public School District (WT) desired to know residents’ knowledge, attitudes and potential behavior toward issues related to a proposed school expansion program. Results of this study can help the board and administration decide on the best information campaign leading to a public vote on the referendum.
Methodology: ie communications conducted a random probability telephone survey of Washington Township residents with listed telephone numbers. Using cross-referenced telephone directories and the systematic interval method, researchers constructed a representative sample of the community. The 125-sample survey revealed reliable date with an error of plus or minus 8.7 points at the 95 percent confidence level and interval level.
(Editor’s note: Two questions regarding Washington’s relationship with Lawrence were not included here).
Where do you get your information about the Washington Township School District? (Choices provided by caller).
Trenton Times, 52 percent; Messenger Press, 39 percent; other residents, 36 percent; radio/television, 33; district newsletter, 30 percent; student take-home, 30 percent; school board meetings, 11 percent; Web sites, 10 percent; home/school association, 9 percent; other, 6 percent; other newspaper, 2 percent.
Are you aware that Washington Township population grew 77 percent from 1990-2000?
Aware, 71 percent; not aware, 29 percent.
Are you aware that the school population in Washington Township’s K-8 district more than doubled between 1994 and 2000?
Aware, 62 percent; not aware, 37 percent.
Pond Road Middle School can house only 600 students. By 2005, enrollment in that school will increase to 734 students. Do you believe the additional enrollment creates overcrowding in the Pond Road School in 2005?
Agree, 78 percent; don’t agree, 7 percent; undecided, 14 percent.
Do you agree or not agree that Washington high school students should separate from Lawrence Township and attend a new high school in Washington Township?
Agree, 70; don’t agree, 10 percent; undecided, 20 percent.
Did you know the Washington Board of Education plans to ask voters this winter to approve funds for a $66 million school bond referendum?
Aware, 58 percent; not aware, 41 percent.
Do you agree or not agree that the board should add classrooms to the Pond Road Middle School?
Agree, 69 percent; disagree, 13 percent; undecided, 18 percent.
Do you agree or not agree that Washington Township should build its own high school for 725 students in Washington Township?
Agree, 65 percent; disagree, 17 percent; undecided, 18 percent.
Do you agree or not agree that a swimming pool should be included in the new high school?
Agree, 40 percent; disagree, 35 percent; undecided, 25 percent.
Are you aware that the state will provide some financial aid for this new construction?
Aware, 52 percent; not aware, 46 percent.
A new high school for 725 students will cost $51.8 million without state aid. Do you support a new high school?
Support, 61 percent; don’t support, 17 percent; undecided, 22 percent.
Additional classrooms at Pond Road Middle School for $10.5 million without state aid. Do you support the middle school additions.
Support, 61 percent; don’t support, 14 percent; undecided, 25 percent.
Do you support adding a swimming pool to the high school for $4.2 million?
Support, 32 percent; don’t support, 40 percent; undecided 28 percent.
Do you prefer to vote on all three parts of this construction project in one question on the referendum ballot or would you prefer more than one question.
One question, 22 percent; more than one question, 74 percent; undecided, 4 percent.
If more than one question …
Which part of the construction project would you prefer to vote on separately?
The high school?
Yes, 76 percent; no, 24 percent.
Middle school addition?
Yes, 67 percent; no, 32 percent; undecided, 1 percent.
Swimming pool?
Yes, 93 percent; no, 6 percent; undecided, 1 percent.
Did you know that Lawrence Township wants to end the sending-receiving relationship with Washington Township?
Yes, 54 percent; no, 46 percent.
Do you intend to support the school referendum?
Yes, 58 percent; no, 13 percent; undecided, 29 percent.
How much would you be willing to spend in additional taxes each year for the $66 million referendum minus state aid?
Up to $300, 60.8 percent; up to $350, 36 percent; up to $400, 21.6 percent; up to $450, 12.8 percent; up to $500, 12 percent; more than $500, 4.8 percent; nothing, 16.8 percent; undecided, 22.4 percent.
Do you have children attending any of the Washington Township public schools?
Yes, 37 percent; no, 63 percent.
How long have you been a resident in Washington Township?
Up to five years, 22 percent; between six and 10 years, 31 percent; between 11 and 20 years, 30 percent; more than 20 years, 18 percent.
Would you consider yourself a relatively young person, a middle-aged person, or a senior citizen?
Relatively young, 26 percent; middle-aged, 50 percent; senior citizens, 25 percent.