Stranger enters Springfield Township Elementary School
By:Vanessa S. Holt
SPRINGFIELD A woman who was questioned by several Springfield Elementary School staff members when she was seen in the building Dec. 14 is the main suspect in the theft of a teacher’s wallet, police said.
Police said they believe the theft occurred between 12:20 and 1 p.m. Dec. 14, the same time the woman was reported to be in the building.
At least two employees at the school confronted the stranger when she was spotted entering the school’s main entrance and asked why she was in the building, said Township Police Chief Kenneth Gerber.
"She said she was inquiring about a program at the school," said Chief Gerber. "They gave her information and sent her on her way."
A short time later the woman was confronted by a second staff person in the hallway, he said.
"He inquired as to whether she had signed in," said Chief Gerber. "She said she had, and apparently handled herself very well; she said she was going to the library to return a book."
A teacher at the school who police said had asked not to be identified noticed that her wallet was missing the next day, said police.
"The victim discovered something was wrong the next morning when she went into her purse and saw her wallet was missing and reported it to us," said Chief Gerber.
Police said the purse had been left unattended in an unoccupied classroom during a break.
Police learned that a transaction for nearly $800 was reported at 2:02 p.m. Dec. 14 at a retail store in Burlington Township using the victim’s credit card, said Chief Gerber.
He said another attempt was made at a second retail store in Burlington Township 20 minutes later but was declined.
Police said they have surveillance tape of a suspect at a Burlington County retail store that matches descriptions given by school employees who accosted an unknown woman in the school on Dec. 14.
Mr. Gerber described the suspect as a black female of an indeterminate age, about 5 feet 5 inches tall and of slender build. She is described as having very close-cropped black hair and wore black slacks and a black, thigh-length pea coat with four buttons.
Police said school employees who spoke with the woman described her as "well-dressed and confident."
Assistant Principal Bob Sinclair said the school has always been concerned about security and locks all but one door during the day. Visitors are asked to sign in at the main office and school employees are trained to challenge anyone on the school premises during the day, he said.
"We will have to be more vigilant," he said. "We don’t want to make the school a prison, but we’re trying to keep everyone safe."
Trespassers who are on school grounds without permission are a great cause of concern for school officials, said Mr. Sinclair.
"They always seem to have the right answers; they are very good at what they do," he said.
He said school officials may examine further security measures they could take to prevent people from entering the school without signing in at the office.
"All the teachers and staff are keeping their eyes open," said Mr. Sinclair.
Anyone with information concerning this case can call Chief Kenneth Gerber of the Springfield Police Department, (609) 723-5100.