BUZZ IN THE HALLS by Pam Koharchik: A look at events and happenings at Allentown High School.
This year, more so than in previous ones, Allentown High School is in the giving mood. Maybe it was the Sept. 11 tragedy that brought everyone together, or perhaps it is the downturn the economy has taken and the rise in unemployment. Either way, the clubs and organizations have pulled together to make this a special year for those struggling.
Last weekend was the Breakfast with Santa, run by the Student Council. More people than ever came out to the event, which offered a hot breakfast, pictures with Santa and Mrs. Claus, crafts for the kids and a craft bazaar for the adults. The proceeds go to Camp Fatima, the state Student Council charity of 2001-02. This camp provides a free camp experience for disabled children, and is solely run on donations.
The National Honor Society is busy with two drives, the Giving Tree and the Coat Drive. The Giving Tree provides donated gifts for more than 100 children from underprivileged homes. The ages and wishes of those children are provided by a school organization and placed on Christmas balls. Students and staff choose a ball and provide the gift requested.
The Coat Drive is run every year in conjunction with Burlington County Special Services. Hundreds of coats are donated each year, filling half a classroom, to those less fortunate. The drive runs through January, and Mrs. Boyce, the NHS advisor, will take community donations in the main office.
The Animal Vet Tech class is collecting pet food and pet items for Popcorn Park Zoo in Lacey Township. The Popcorn Park Zoo takes in all types of animals, even cats and dogs. Food needed includes rabbit pellets, dog food, cat food, birdseed and anything else that you can think of. Drop-offs are accepted in the Ag Building until Dec. 19.
The English Honor Society is purchasing children’s books and taping them for an adopted Kindergarten class. The students picked a book that touched them as a child and spent a day taping them. The books and tapes were then wrapped and will be distributed next week.
Student Council is running a canned food drive to help the area food kitchens. All goods are due by Friday. The winning homeroom gets a breakfast courtesy of Student Council!
The Optimist Club just finished its annual toiletry basket drive. All types of toiletries, including make-up, shampoo, perfume, hairbrushes, were collected by all homerooms and every other club. They were placed into baskets and wrapped for abused women and children, elderly and infirmed. They will be given to local organizations dealing with these types of people. Hundreds of baskets worth of stuff has been collected in past years.
The secretaries purchase toys, clothes and personal items and donate them to Anchor House and Womanspace in lieu of purchasing gifts for each other (great idea!).
When I posed the question of what charitable contributions their groups were making to the staff, Warren Gessmann came back with a good one: he encourages his students to put all of their money into the stock market so that they will create more jobs for the unemployed. A skewed way of approaching things, but I guess every bit counts!
Buzzing in the halls this week: The holiday instrumental concert is 7 p.m. tonight in the auditorium . . .
The holiday choral concert is Monday, Dec. 17 at 7:30 p.m. in the auditorium . . .
The FFA Open Citrus Sale starts on Saturday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Beautiful poinsettias will also be for sale . . .
Mid Marks are due into guidance on Dec. 17 (Merry Christmas!) . . .
The Poetry Slam was postponed to Jan. 10 because of the holiday instrumental concert.
Pam Koharchik is an English teacher at AHS. Buzz in the Halls is a regular feature.