To the editor
HomeSharing Program of Somerset County will be holding its twelfth annual Phonathon on Feb. 5, 6, 7, 11 and 12 at the Somerset Messenger-Gazette Building in Somerville.
This is the largest fundraising event for the organization, and during these five evenings more than ten percent of HomeSharing’s annual budget is raised. Over $20,000 has been raised, each year, through the generosity of individuals within the community.
This support is essential in demonstrating the backing of the community to our corporate and foundation funders and for the continuation of program services.
Since 1984, HomeSharing has been an affordable housing alternative for Somerset County. HomeSharing matches seekers, those looking for anaffordable place to live in the community, with home providers, residents who need to share their homes or apartments in order to maintain them.
The Housing and Community Development Network of New Jersey reported in 2000 that the average monthly cost of rent and utilities for a two-bedroom apartment in Somerset and Middlesex Counties is $956. In order to afford this a person would have to earn $38,240 per year. At minimum wage, a 142-hour work-week would be necessary. Currently, 85 percent of HomeSharing’s clients have an annual income less than $38,000. Of the households headed by a female, 91 per cent earn less than $38,000.
Based on those statistics alone it is evident that HomeSharing is a much needed alternative for the working poor in our community; those who are working, in many cases holding two jobs, and simply cannot make ends meet.
With the continued generous support from the community HomeSharing will continue to provide that assistance.
A volunteer caller may be ringing your phone on an evening in early February. Please answer and listen to what they have to say. Unlike telemarketing calls you may receive, HomeSharing callers are not paid, they are your friends and neighbors who are volunteering their time to help HomeSharing and those in the community that need affordable housing.Thank you all for your past and continued support of HomeSharing.
HomeSharing Program
executive director