Princeton school candidates night set for Monday

By: Jeff Milgram
   The Princeton Regional School District’s Special Education PTO has scheduled its 12th annual school board candidates night beginning at 8 p.m. Monday.
   It will be held in the John Witherspoon Middle School library and may be the only opportunity for voters to see all six candidates together at the same time.
   Under the format adopted by the PTO, each candidate will be given two minutes for an opening statement and one minute for a closing comment. Candidates will be given two minutes to respond to each of two questions, one assigned in advance and one of their choice made to another candidate, according to Marianne S. Carnevale and Jane M. Sheehan, PTO coordinators of the candidates night.
   The questions were assigned in the order of the official list of candidates released by the school district, the PTO said.
   There also will be 40 minutes set aside for questions and comments from the audience.
   In Princeton Borough, board member Frank Strasburger, associate rector of Trinity Church, is running against architect Michael Mostoller.
   In Princeton Township, board members Barbara Prince, a former financial administrator, and Jeffrey Spear, associate professor of English at New York University, are running against Walter Bliss, an attorney, and Catherine Knight, an architect.
   On April 16, voters will elect three board members, each for a three-year term, and cast their ballots on the $54.8 million budget.