Hopewell Council hasspecial session Monday

Railroad Station Site Plan is focus of meeting

By Ruth Luse
   Hopewell Borough Council will hold a special meeting at 7 p.m. Monday.
   During that session, members are expected to try to work out an estimate for the Hopewell Railroad Station parking lot reconstruction project so the borough can advertise for bids.
   At the Aug. 5 regular meeting, Councilman David Knights said borough officials should act soon, if they want the project completed this year.
   In addition, some donated "bishop’s crooks" street lamps are slated for installation at the site. Mr. Knights commented Aug. 5 that it would be unfortunate if both projects — lamps installation and reconstruction — couldn’t be carried out at the same time.
   Concerns about money for the project led council to set the special meeting for Monday. Mr. Knights said Aug. 5 that, in his opinion, the borough is only short about $1,700 — an amount he felt could be made up with funds from the buildings and grounds budget.
   Borough Council will determine at the special meeting whether or not to seek bids for the project based upon a final estimate from the borough engineer, Dennis O’Neal.
   The notice for Monday’s meeting says the "purpose of this meeting is to discuss funding for the Railroad Station Site Plan and any other business that may come before the council."