
Residents object

to word ‘seedy’
To the editor:
   With reference to your Sept. 26 editorial, the Connaught Homeowners Association takes exception to your use of the word "seedy" to describe the Connaught Hill section of Lambertville.
   While this area may be in need of revitalization and improvement in some areas, to characterize the area as a "seedy" neighborhood is a poor choice of words.
   Since the Connaught Homeowners Association was organized approximately 2½ years ago, there has been the adoption of a city ordinance regulating abandoned vehicles, a process was begun to remove abandoned and unsafe buildings, many truckloads of scrap metal and unwanted trash were removed, the South Hunterdon school bus now makes three stops on the hill (which is safer for our children) and more than 2,000 tires, which had been dumped on the hill over the years, were removed with the help of local Boy Scouts and volunteers from many city neighborhoods.
   The cleanup of our neighborhood was accomplished only because many people from the Lambertville and West Amwell communities volunteered their time and energy and worked together. They did a great job — one of which we are very proud.
   While there is still more work to be done, you can see that much has already been accomplished. There are many families who take a great deal of pride in the appearance of their homes and make the time and effort necessary to maintain them attractively.
   Surely you could have found a less insulting word to use. We can tell you don’t live on the "hill!"

Kathleen Dey
Connaught Homeowners Association

Woman wants

help for neighbor
To the editor:
   There is a resident of Lambertville, now 80 years old, on social security, who lost a son in the 1940s.
   Her son is in an unmarked grave in Flemington. As a parent, this just breaks my heart. I would like to enlist the residents of Lambertville to erect a stone on the child’s grave.
   My neighbor understandably cries anytime she thinks of it. She was a single mom and lost the child to blood poisoning.
   If I had the money, I would just erect a stone myself. Unfortunately, I am on permanent disability and can’t afford to.
   I think the people here would be more than happy to contribute if they knew about this. I can be reached at 397-7390.
   Much thanks for your time and consideration.

Madeline Davidson