Trinity Episcopal Church, located at 33 Mercer St., announces its grant application schedule and guidelines and the availability of grant applications, with a return deadline of March 19.
Awards will be announced in late June. Grant awards generally range from $500 to $2,000.
Applications will be considered from secular or faith-based nonprofit organizations that provide human services in the greater Mercer County area. Some international projects are also considered. New organizations, and established groups starting new projects in need of programming seed money, are welcome to apply.
Priority is given to projects that serve disadvantaged populations in our area. Support for projects that meet the criteria is available for no more than a three-year funding cycle. Operating budget support on a continuing basis is not available.
Grants have been awarded previously to groups providing literacy training, after-school programs, prison ministry programs, shelter for homeless families, services for the elderly and the disabled, and victims of abuse.
Applications and information are available from the Trinity Church Grants Committee by calling Cathy Wheeler at (609) 921-3065 or by e-mail at [email protected]. Include "Trinity Grants" in e-mail subject lines.
Applicants will be required to submit pertinent financial data, organization goals, and other information as specified. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Applications may be submitted either electronically or in hard copy. Organizations needing help in submitting necessary information should make the request well in advance of the March 19 deadline.