Steven Wood said today he will seek re-election to Hopewell seat.
By Ruth Luse
Hopewell Township residents Michael Bruno and Kim Newport, Hopewell Valley Regional Board of Education incumbents, said Monday they plan to seek re-election to the board on April 20.
Steven Wood of Columbia Avenue, who holds the Hopewell Borough seat on the board, also will seek re-election, he said today.
Ms. Newport of East Welling Avenue has been on the school board for five years. Mr. Bruno of Harbourton Ridge Drive is serving his first three-year term.
"We are extremely excited about running for the school board in Hopewell Valley representing Hopewell Township. Over the past few years we have accomplished many tasks including the opening of a new elementary school (Stony Brook), the opening of our new auditorium and gymnasium, introducing new curriculum programs such as ‘Project Lead the Way,’ strong working relationship with our teachers and administrators, and the recruitment and selection of a new superintendent," Mr. Bruno and Ms. Newport said in a joint statement.
They continued: "We are now in the process of preparing a referendum for September to address facility and technology needs for the district, as well as preparing our annual school budget. More recently, we participated in a two-day meeting to update our Strategic Plan with students, parents, teachers and administration. Our commitment is to provide our students with a balanced approach to education while remaining fiscally responsible to the community at large. We believe by serving another term, we can bring our previous school board experience to further enhance our education programs during the next three years."
Mr. Bruno and Ms. Newport hold two of the three seats (three-year terms) that will be filled in the April 20 election. Mr. Wood holds the third.
Mr. Wood said today (Thursday): "I will seek re-election to the HVRSD School Board. It has been an honor and
privilege to serve as Hopewell Borough’s representative for the past three years. There is much work to be done. I have learned a great deal during
my three years on the board. If re-elected, I look forward to leveraging my
experience to serve the community in an even stronger capacity."
Hopewell Township has seven seats on the board. Hopewell and Pennington boroughs each have one. The Pennington seat is not open this year.
Those Hopewell Township and Hopewell Borough residents who want to run for the open seats must file nominating petitions by 4 p.m. March 1. To be included on the April 20 ballot, would-be candidates must obtain the signatures of at least 10 qualified voters living in the municipality they want to serve. One of the names may be the would-be candidate’s own. The petition must be filed at the office of the school board secretary in the school district administration building at 425 S. Main St. Pennington.
Petitions are available at the office noted above.
According to the New Jersey School Boards Association (NJSBA), Trenton, would-be candidates must: be able to read and write; hold citizenship and one year’s residency in the municipality they seek to represent; have no interest in any contract with, or claim against, the board; not hold office as mayor or member of the municipal governing body; and be registered to vote in the municipality in which they reside.