To the editor:
John Kerry continually makes statements that are not challenged in any debate. Following are my 350 words worth of challenges.
Eighty percent of federal income taxes are paid by 20 percent of wage earners. President Bush reduced tax rates so that people would have more of their own money to spend thereby strengthening the economy. It worked. If any individuals feel they do not deserve a tax cut they can always give additional money to the government.
Social Security is not a mutual fund. Taxes are collected from workers and immediately paid to retirees. There are continually more retirees to support. The next generation will not be able to support the retirees without modifying Social Security. President Bush would not change current retirees benefits. Younger workers would have the option to contribute an amount to a personal savings account and direct their investment. Their benefit would eventually come from the investment and not by raising the tax. Sen. Kerry does not have any plan to improve Social Security.
The Iraq war is not about oil. The war is to protect our country by defeating a tyrant who encouraged and funded terrorists in Iraq who were training to kill all Christians and Jews. John Kerry will wait until we are attacked again rather than proactively defend our country; effectively inviting the war on terror to the United States instead of fighting it somewhere else.
France and Russia, as well as some United Nations employees, received enormous kickbacks from Iraq/UN Oil for Food Program. Therefore, they would never support the effort against Iraq. We have over 30 allies in Iraq, including England, Australia, Italy and Poland. Senator Kerry has offended all our allies by saying we do not have a strong coalition. Furthermore, Sen. Kerry voted against the first Gulf War, which was also a strong coalition.
Sen. Kerry has a very pessimistic view of our great country. He has had 20 years in the Senate to improve things but never speaks of his Senate record. Why? He doesn’t have any record. How will he be an effective president?
Kathleen Argiriou