Eatontown Mayor Gerald J. Tarantolo was happy to report the receipt of a cable television franchise fee check in the amount of $44,572.77 from Comcast of Monmouth County last week. He pointed out at the Jan. 30 Borough Council meeting that, by ordinance, that money goes to the open space fund. Tarantolo said the borough is still in negotiations on a franchise re-agreement. "We’re very close. I expect to see something soon," he said.
The organizers of the proposed Jersey Shore Charter School plan to hold a "sweet swap’’ for youngsters in the third, fourth and fifth grades from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. Feb. 22 at the Eatontown Public Library, 47 Broad St., to celebrate George Washington’s 270th birthday. Kathleen Devine of Oceanport, who applied for the charter for the school, said the children are asked to bring small candy or cookies wrapped in groups of six to exchange for similar groups of six with other children. "This is part of our philosophy — to celebrate New Jersey’s history," she said of the event.
The Jersey Shore Charter School recently was denied a charter by the state Department of Education for the second time. Devine is appealing that denial. The organizers are seeking to establish a middle school serving Oceanport, Eatontown and West Long Branch.
Monmouth University in West Long Branch hasn’t made any move yet to apply for a variance from the Zoning Board of Adjustment to put a parking lot on the former farm it bought on Beechwood Avenue, but it has taken the preliminary step of enlisting the services of an engineer, Lane Fitzgerald of West Long Branch, to design the project. Once the school has a plan in hand, college officials will meet with nearby residents to share it and listen to their concerns and then, if possible, to include their ideas before submitting the variance application, according to university spokesman Frank DiRocco Jr.
The Knights of Columbus, Eatontown Council, will host a St. Patrick’s dinner-dance 6-11 p.m. March 16 at St. Dorothea’s Church Family Center in Eatontown. The dinner will feature corned beef and cabbage, chicken, stuffed shells and salad with beer, wine, soft drinks and dessert. There will also be music and dancing. The cost is $25 per person and tickets will be sold after Mass at the church on March 2, 3, 9 and 10, or by calling Bill Haberman at (732) 532-1268, or Joe "DeMarco at (732) 222-4417.
Monmouth University’s Department of Music and Theatre Arts will present the musical comedy A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum at the Lauren K. Woods Theater Feb. 20-24 and Feb. 27 to March 2. Show times are 8 p.m., except on Sunday, Feb. 24, when there will only be a matinee at 3 p.m. On Sunday, March 2, there will be a 3 p.m. matinee in addition to the 8 p.m. performance. Tickets are $12, $10 for senior citizens.
Registration for kindergarten in West Long Branch for 2002-2003 will take place on Feb. 27 and 28 in the school superintendent’s office (upstairs) in the Frank Antonides School, 135 Locust Ave. To be eligible for kindergarten, a child must be 5 years old on or by Oct. 1. Parents are asked not to bring children to the registration. Another day is planned for the children at a later date. Registration for those whose last names begin with A through G is from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. on Feb. 27, while those whose last names begin with H through N should come to register from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. that day. On Feb. 28, those whose last names begin with O through T are to register from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. while those whose last names begin with U through Z are to register between 1 p.m. and 2:30 p.m.
The Sierra Club, Jersey Shore Group, will host a meeting at which the work of the Monmouth Conservation Foundation will be explained at 8 p.m. Feb. 26 in The Old Wharf House, at Main Street and Oceanport Avenue, in Oceanport. Those with questions can call Mary Lanko at (732) 462-2199.
A discussion of the issues that the move to digital photography raises about the nature of photography and photographs will be presented at the next meeting of Friends of Photography at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 28 at the Monmouth Beach Cultural Center, 128 Ocean Ave., Monmouth Beach. The guest speaker is Joel Morgovsky. The group also hosts local photo exhibits and field trips. For further information or directions, call Tom Mulvihill at (732) 222-7979.
A book signing with Helen-Chantal Pike, author of Greetings from New Jersey: A Postcard Tour of the Garden State, will be held at the annual membership meeting of the Friends of the West Long Branch Public Library 2-5 p.m. Sunday (Feb. 10) in the library, 95 Poplar Ave.
The Monmouth County branch of the Lupus Foundation of America, New Jersey Chapter, will hold its monthly meeting 7:30 p.m. Feb. 11 at the Eatontown Library, Broad Street. The topic will be announced at the meeting. Lupus is a chronic, inflammatory disease which afflicts an estimated 2 million Americans. For further information about the meeting or about Lupus, contact the foundation office in Elmwood Park at (201) 791-7868.
The Chelsea House located at 152 Chelsea Avenue, Long Branch, has been purchased by two members of the city’s business community. Rich Manner, principal of Garden State Ceiling, and Bob Sickler, principal of Lighting Bolt, have cleaned up the property and boarded up entryways to keep squatters out of the home. Almost two-years ago Marshall Koplitz, a landlord who provides housing to Monmouth University students, was eyeing the property to convert the home to provide boarding facilities for students. That plan never was formally introduced. City officials have said that the new owners have not submitted any plans for the site.
On Jan. 30 the Long Branch Fire Department responded to a 911 call of a possible fire at a residence on Seventh Avenue at approximately 9 p.m. Fire officials discovered a smoldering electrical box within a wall, which was extinguished.
Fire Chief Sam Tomaine said he, along with other members of the department, will be rewriting company bylaws to bring them up to modern times. Some company bylaws date back 100 years.
On Saturday, Feb. 9, Seashore Day Camp on Second Avenue, Long Branch, will be celebrating its annual Day of Fun. This open house will give parents and future camp-goers a taste of what Seashore Day Camp can offer. International sand-sculpting champion John Gowdy will be attending the entire event from noon to 3 p.m.
The Long Branch Police Athletic League recently donated $5,100 to local youth sports programs. The PAL has hosed dinner boxing shows and has been applying for grants to raise funds for various activities to help city kids stay active during and after school hours.
The city is gearing up for its 100th birthday in 2004. The Long Branch Historical Association is coordinating a contest through the Long Branch Chamber of Commerce. The submissions for the logo image must include the title, "City of Long Branch – 1904-2004." All entries must be done in black in white. The logo images can be created using pen and ink, or computer. Entries must be submitted on 81/2-by-11-inch paper. Deadline for submission is March 29. Entries submitted will become the property of the Long Branch centennial committee. Only residents of the city may enter whether amateur or professional. The winner will be announced at the April 23 city council meeting. As a bonus to the winner a $100 savings bond will be awarded.
The Holy Trinity Rosary Altar Society invites all men and women to join a Lenten retreat, "A Journey With Jesus," on the weekend of Feb. 22-24 at the Stella Maris Retreat Center. The cost for the weekend is $120 per person.
A "Night of Recollection" will be held with the Holy Name Society. The event will be held at the Holy Trinity School Auditorium March 18. Tony’s will be catering the event. The cost is $20 per person.
The Rosary Altar Society will sponsor a bus trip to the Crism Mass at St. Mary’s Cathedral, Trenton, March 25. The bus will leave in front of the Holy Trinity Church at 5 p.m. A donation of $11 is requested.
On Tuesdays, throughout the months of February and March, a tax counseling program for the elderly will be held at the Long Branch Senior Center to assist seniors in preparing their income tax and Homestead Rebate forms. For an appointment, call (732) 571-6542. The center will not be able to service walk-ins.