Thieves take wheelchair

Wheelchair used by Manvlle woman for outside mobility stolen.

By: Mary Ellen Zangara
   A thief struck at North Seventh Avenue resident Nancy Domin’s home, Monday, taking something more vital to her than the thief knows — a wheelchair.
   And, it’s not even Ms. Domin’s chair.
   Ms. Domin has been wheelchair bound for a few years after losing her right leg to cancer.
   The wheelchair stolen from the front of her home had been lent to her by the Rev. Boguslaw Augustyn of Sacred Heart Church.
   The priest lent her the wheelchair to use outside — she has another for use in her home but it’s too large and bulky to maneuver around.
   The borrowed wheelchair has been at the bottom of her steps since September for easy use out of the house because she can’t get the other one out.
   "I keep the wheelchair there because the first one, I was throwing it down and throwing it down and it got all beat up," she said.
   But when she went out of her house Monday to pick up her daughter, the wheelchair was missing.
   "One of the neighbors saw an older male in a maroon car take it. I don’t know if someone thought it was put out for garbage, or whatever," she said.
   Ms. Domin is in the process of getting an artificial hip and leg to make getting around easier — but she still needs the wheelchairs.
   "I went to Kessler (Institute for Rehabilitation) and they had everything together but they had to take everything apart because this is kind of out of the norm so I am hoping that in another month that they have everything together," she said. "If someone took it and thought it was in the garbage, please return it because it doesn’t belong to me."
   If anyone has any information about the missing wheelchair, Ms. Domin said they can call her at 722-8607 or if it was taken by mistake, please return it to her, she really needs it.