Monmouth should follow Middlesex’s lead

I am writing about what Monmouth County is doing to compensate for the recent cuts by the state of New Jersey for women’s health care programs. As a mother and grandmother, I am deeply concerned that information, and services are not available to all who need them.

Our neighboring county, Middlesex, just passed a ballot question that might be considered by our Monmouth County leaders.

The ballot question asked, “In view of the recent cuts by the state of New Jersey, shall the county government increase funding to support current women’s health care programs in Middlesex County?”

This question passed by a big margin — nearly 2-1 — to support direct services offered by the county. I find it encouraging that our neighbors are concerned enough about women’s health to increase funding. Shouldn’t we care as much here in Monmouth County?

Janie Schildge
Colts Neck