Council candidates to debate Thursday at university

By: Marjorie Censer
   The American Whig-Cliosophic Society, a Princeton University student group, will host a debate for candidates for the Princeton Borough Council at 9 p.m. Thursday in Whig Hall on the Princeton University campus.
   Democratic candidates and incumbents David Goldfarb and Mildred Trotman and independent challenger Joshua Leinsdorf will each make a brief opening statement and then answer questions from the moderator, audience and each other. The debate is open to the community.
   During the campaign, Mr. Goldfarb and Ms. Trotman have emphasized their long terms of service on the council. Mr. Goldfarb has been a member of the council for 15 years, while Ms. Trotman, who is council president, has served for 21 years. Mr. Leinsdorf, a member of the Princeton Regional Board of Education, is focusing his platform on the complacency of the council and its unresponsiveness to borough residents, citing its approval of the downtown redevelopment and its parking permit system for high school students as examples.
   The American Whig-Cliosophic Society is the nation’s oldest collegiate literary, political and debating society. Founded by James Madison, among others, the nonpartisan organization is dedicated to fostering reasoned political debate.