It has been more than three years since the JCP&L rate case began, and recently a New Jersey administrative law judge made a long-awaited recommendation, one which aligns with what we have been saying all along — that New Jersey’s JCP&L customers have long been overcharged and deserve a rate cut. Now, the only thing standing between JCP&L customers and some relief is the Board of Public Utilities.
AARP calls on the BPU to finally give customers the relief they deserve by making a decision on this matter, with the recommendations of Judge McGill and with the input of the Division of Rate Counsel taken into consideration.
And unless and until that ruling should come down, the BPU should set the current JCP&L rates as provisional and subject to refund should the board find that the company is indeed overcharging.
Each day that passes until then will mean that JCP&L customers, people just like you and me, will continue to have money taken from their pockets that belongs to them; money they could be using to pay for food, medications or toward our highest-in-the-nation property taxes.
The evidence is clear. It is time for the BPU to do the right thing for JCP&L customers.
Sy Larson
Monroe Township