Be cautious with charitable donations

The New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs is reminding consumers to “Investigate Before You Donate” and avoid fraudulent charitable solicitations when seeking to donate to victims of the earthquake in Nepal.

“Don’t just assume that an attractivesounding appeal is legitimate. Look closely at any organization or individual who solicits your money,” Division of Consumer Affairs Acting Director Steve Lee said.

The division is paying close attention to online solicitations related to the earthquake in Nepal, and has noted dozens of new domain names mentioning “Nepal” and terms such as “earthquake,” “donate,” “relief” or similar terms, that were recently registered.

Keep the following tips in mind:

 Give to charities that one knows and trusts. If a charity is brand-new, that does not necessarily mean one shouldn’t donate, but learn as much as possible before doing so.

 Learn about the charity’s stated mission and find out how exactly it plans to use the money. Ask for literature.

 Don’t be fooled by a convincing name or professional-looking website. Dishonest charities may use impressive names or names that closely resemble those of respected, legitimate organizations.