Date is July 18
Local Republicans will host their 51st annual Chicken Barbecue on July 18 from 6-8 p.m. at the Union Firehouse, Route 29, Titusville. Takeout dinners also will be available.
A longtime Valley tradition that crosses party lines, the barbecue is attended by families, senior citizens, and everyone in between. Live music and door prizes will help set the stage for a festive evening.
"The menu is as much a tradition as the event itself," said association President Jim Burd. "Southern fried chicken, summer salads, rolls, watermelon, and soda are the evening’s fare. We encourage families and neighbors to attend together," he said.
Candidates running for local, county and state offices will be attending this year, to meet and greet their supporters.
Tickets are $17 for adults. Children from 5-12 are $5 each, and those under 5 are free.
Advance reservations are requested. Make checks payable to HVRA and send them to Jim Burd, 115 Nursery Road, Titusville, 08560. Paid reservations will be held at the door. A limited number of tickets also will be available at the door.
Questions? Call Jim Burd at 737-6991.